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Recent content by ethgania

  1. ethgania

    Something not like the rest.

    Yeah, definitely start just by looking at characters. What are the hero's flaws? Who is your non-triumphant hero? Flipping the dichotomy like this isn't the most unheard of thing in the world, so you really want to focus on your characters... perhaps think on why heroes in Fantasy always...
  2. ethgania

    Naming issues

    I get super paranoid and Google all of my names. Evidently one of my characters is a subspecies or something of Cherry, which was kind of neat. Most of the time I just find gibberish though, which is good enough for me.
  3. ethgania

    How do you feel about the Hobbit being in 3D?

    ...I don't think I've ever seen a movie in 3D in the theaters, simply because of the price differences. It'll probably be the same for The Hobbit as well. As psyched as I am for the movie, I'm excited about it because, well, it's The Hobbit, not because of the screen magic they're trying to...
  4. ethgania

    Why Not Short Stories?

    Short stories are love-hate for me. I like reading them. I like the idea of being able to sit down, write a story, not spending a million years finishing it or editing afterwords, and then having this cute bite-sized pocket of a world that anyone can read and enjoy without much commitment to...
  5. ethgania


    Oh man, this reminded me that when my student account with my University is closed up in a couple months (since I just graduated) I won't have free OED access anymore! Sadface =(
  6. ethgania

    Legend of Korra, anyone?

    My husband and I were watching it together every week, and when he started talking it was just a big "...Reaaallly?" moment for us. I'm sure it doesn't bother the kids who are coming to the show for the first time as just another in their Saturday line-up, but daaaang it's distracting.
  7. ethgania

    Do you read anything else besides fantasy?

    I read practically everything. Right now I'm working on 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. I also read a lot of YA, fantasy and not.
  8. ethgania

    Legend of Korra, anyone?

    Yeah, I'm not too sure about how I felt about the ending either. But I mean, I understand a lot of the problems came from having to rush since they were only in it for the 12 episodes at first. Hopefully the upcoming season(s) are better paced... although I read somewhere about adding a third...
  9. ethgania

    Why hello!

    We will post some of the content online for free but most will be available through a subscription. Most of the profit will then be split amongst the writers, after the editor-in-chief gets his cut for putting everything together. I play all sorts of games. I am pretty bad at all of them :P...
  10. ethgania

    Does World Building Scare You?

    True. Part of my hesitation is that my husband came up with more of this world than I have, so it's like messing with his territory. He's more of the ideas guy and I'm more of the writing type than he is. It all works, it's just proving that it works that's going to take all that time and skill.
  11. ethgania

    Does World Building Scare You?

    I'm far less scared about building the world than I am about getting it across clearly and concisely in the writing. It's such a complicated thing that I'm dealing with that I'm afraid it's too complicated to write (dealing with way more "races" than necessary... basically a sole unifying...
  12. ethgania

    How do you feel about borrowed names?

    I'm a nut for linguistics so I try to develop at least some sort of system for naming my characters... My stories have some overlap with this world in their lore (think shifting and sometimes overlapping realities?), so I can at least use that as an excuse for abusing baby name dictionaries and...
  13. ethgania

    The Hunger Games Trilogy

    @Sheilawisz I agree about writing in third! Maybe it's just because it's more standard for fantasy so I've read more of it, but I haven't really written anything in first (outside of school assignments) since my crappy fanfiction days.
  14. ethgania

    Why hello!

    Nah, I'm not a Stark. Not sure I could take the cold :) The fantasy magazine isn't up and running yet; it's an offshoot of an already-established e-zine (eFiction) so I'm not sure if self-promotion would be appropriate, since I'm only in charge of the new fantasy branch and it's commercial in...
  15. ethgania

    LEGO Lord of the Rings!

    Oh goodness. I haven't played any of the LEGO video games, but this just might get me to!