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I am a product of the streets of Philadelphia, specifically, South Philly. I draw on my memories of people, places and events from my life there as well as the rest of the world I have known.
I’ve lived in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Texas, California, Colorado, New Jersey and currently, New York. I’ve visited Virginia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Arizona and Connecticut. Every one of these locations has provided me with people and places that inspire me. Countless memories from them – some good and some bad – live within me constantly. Confucius once said. “Wherever you go, go with all your heartâ€. It’s similar to my own personal philosophy, “Wherever you go, there you areâ€. My wandering isn’t done yet apparently since my thoughts are pushing me to Florida now. Maybe the spirit of Hemmingway is calling…
Perhaps the people are drawing me. I’ve always been a people-person for as long as I remember. They provide a wealth of opportunity. A good variety of people in one’s life is like a rich tapestry of inspiration to a writer. People come equipped with personalities, quirks and tales that keep writers in material for a lifetime.
On the more personal side of the scale, I was born in 1954. I’m on my second marriage with a wonderful child from each. I’m fiercely loyal to the Philadelphia Eagles, The Beatles and classic horror films. I enjoy time in the kitchen as of late, spending a lot of it trying to figure out my grandmother’s recipes. Cooking is fun for me now that I understand that it too, is an art. I enjoy photography and playing in Photoshop. I’m addicted to World of Warcraft and play it far too much. My passion is animal rights and I campaign to end the persecution of wolves. My religious and political views are private. Nevertheless, they make themselves known throughout my work I’ve been told.

Writing, photography, video games, cooking, traveling


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