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Recent content by Game

  1. Game

    Stephen King's characters are masterful. How?

    Mhm, intriguing, I must check it out as I really enjoy fantasy books.
  2. Game

    Stephen King's characters are masterful. How?

    Completely agree with Steer, his works are pretty diverse, most of the time. I'm currently reading The Stand, aside from its terrifying length, it's a good book. But I'm only at the beginning.
  3. Game

    Stephen King's characters are masterful. How?

    I was just reading 'The Stand', I'm at about 7%, but the characters are built so well, I can imagine them in my head so clearly, their personalities, character building is an art, Stephen is indeed an artist. My question, for an amateur writer, how do you build your characters so well? In...
  4. Game

    Writing programs: Useful or Tedious?

    yWriter5 is nice, but I realize now a simple notebook is much better. Scrivener is plain clumsy, too many features and the basic ones aren't that helpful.
  5. Game

    Books to improve writing?

    Pearls of wisdom right there! Thank you! I'm going to get your recommendation and I do agree with it, I read one of the "Elements of Writing" books myself (can't recall the name) it was about tension and conflict and I really didn't get much out of it. But a book about self editing might help...
  6. Game

    Writing programs: Useful or Tedious?

    Scrivener isn't helpful to me, I like yWriter5 though.
  7. Game

    Writing programs: Useful or Tedious?

    I loved your opinions and am thinking about buying Scrivener, is there anybody here that had good experience with it? :)
  8. Game

    How did you discover Mythic Scribes?

    Mhm, I can't really remember. I think I searched for ways to improve my writing and a thread came up :P
  9. Game

    Books to improve writing?

    Seems like a good idea, I'll read a few books to help start me off and start outlining my books too. :D Haha, thanks for the tips, I was only planning on reading a few :) Decade is an awfully long time, how could you read so many and not get bored? :o
  10. Game

    What kills believability in a constructed world?

    An interesting subject indeed, I think what turns me off in a story's stream of events is inconsistency and sudden information dumps. As in, throwing 10 chapters worth of information in one, that screws it up.
  11. Game

    Books to improve writing?

    Thanks Butterfly! I was hoping for some suggestions of good books to improve my writing, I just got the book in the second link and will start reading it soon :)
  12. Game

    Books to improve writing?

    As a novice writer, I've taken upon myself to improve my writing by doing two things: -Read 80~120 pages everyday. -Research writing techniques from time to time. What I wanted to ask is; do you think books about 'how to write' such as "On Writing" (Stephen King) help? Or do they just limit...
  13. Game

    If you had to write a novel in the medieval ages, what would you write?

    There are so many possible subjects. From orcs to dragons and forbidden magic, good luck :D
  14. Game

    Writing programs: Useful or Tedious?

    That sounds pretty neat, I might try it out myself :D
  15. Game

    Writing programs: Useful or Tedious?

    I've been really wondering about writing programs; the ones that help organize the plot and scenes. Take yWriter5 for example (not trying to advertise, it's a freeware) I've been trying to work with it a bit, writing ideas and such. I'd like to hear your opinion on writing programs and...