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Recent content by Giovanni

  1. Giovanni

    30 Days of World-Building!

    This seems pretty interesting, I know I'm hella late, but I was browsing the forums and just wanted to point out that Even though I'm late to the party I think it will be nice to look into.
  2. Giovanni

    Anybody doing NanoWrimo?

    I'm going to try to do nanowrimo, hopefully it will give me the discipline I need to actually finish something. I was wondering if anybody on here is participating? I plan on coming up with an elaborate outline as well as try to flesh out my characters as much as I can. I'm usually a pantser...
  3. Giovanni

    Words That You Avoid

    Personally I try my best to avoid the word however; I do so because of how often I use it. If I were to write without checking my paragraphs every couple of minutes That word would infect the majority of sentence starters.
  4. Giovanni

    self-conscious about novel idea

    This is going to come off as rambling more than anything else. But its been on my mind and I feel like I have to share it, for my own sake. For the past couple days I have been working on a light (or young adult) type of fantasy novel because I enjoy reading them. It was hard to get used to the...
  5. Giovanni


    Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to be apart of this forum. I hope to get advice from the many writers here, as well as be inspired and motivated to continue my work.