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Recent content by hammert

  1. H

    What makes you give up on a book?

    bad happy end
  2. H

    Just finished the Divergent trilogy

    I agree with you that the series is more character driven than story driven, and that the first person point of view can be limiting and distracting at times. I also agree that the ending was very unexpected and controversial, but it also made sense for Tris’ character arc and the message of the...
  3. H

    Lovecraftian Fantasy

    Hey there! It's great to hear that you've discovered Lovecraft and are enjoying his works. If you're looking for authors who write similar fiction in the fantasy vein but perhaps not as dark, you might want to check out authors like Neil Gaiman, China Miéville, and Clark Ashton Smith. They...
  4. H

    What's your current favorite book/series?

    The song of Ice and Fire
  5. H

    Stories where Magic Changes the Rules of Romance?

    Iron King for example.
  6. H

    Do you enjoy reading, or is it more like a chore?

    Love reading from childhood
  7. H

    What do you listen to?

    some K pop
  8. H

    Hello there!

    Hey there