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J.D. Hallowell

I'm a 50-ish father and husband who is fortunate enough to have lived an interesting and active life. I've had two fantasy novels, Dragon Fate and Dragon Blade, published, with two other books in the same world, tentatively titled Dragon Home and Dragon Justice, due out in 2013. I like to keep a lot of irons in the fire at once, so my work experiences include such diverse occupations as automotive mechanic, cowboy, photographer, psychiatric tech, paralegal assistant, bouncer, and medical billing clerk. I studied martial arts for over 30 years. I've been a soldier and an emergency medical technician, and I served as the chief of a volunteer ambulance squad. I was a diamond courier for a while, and later owned a working kennel where I trained dogs for law enforcement as well as personal protection, and most recently, I've trained one service dog, for myself. I don't get around much now (I've been shot, stabbed, blown up, bludgeoned, poisoned, and even had harsh language directed toward me, if you can believe it, and it takes its toll), but I write whenever I can.

If you want to get in touch with me to ask questions, leave comments or feedback, or request review copies, you can find me on the Web on:

Facebook: (http://www.facebook.com/pages/JD-Hallowell/249999108404624),

Google+: (https://plus.google.com/105229472495595582348),

Goodreads.com: (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5407284.J_D_Hallowell)

History, archery, paleontology, cooking, RPGs (the games, not the weapons) and making jewelry.
Fantasy and SF author


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