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Mark Huntley-James

I’m Mark Huntley-James, author of science-fiction, fantasy, odd anecdotes and any story that catches my interest. I just like stories – reading them, and writing them – dark sagas, light tales, long and short, usually with a twist of humour to them.

I have two urban fantasies out on Kindle, my Demon Trader books, and a whole raft of short and flash fiction on various venues. Every month or so, I add whatever has amused, entertained or annoyed me to Farm, Fur and Fowl.

When I can, I add a contribution to #BlogBattle, and I currently write a regular article for the One MIllion Project, supporting Cancer Research UK and EMMAUS

I live on a small farm in Cornwall, England, with my partner, four cats, dozens of chickens and a whole load of rare-breed Soay sheep.

Once upon a time, I was a PhD physicist and software engineer.




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    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
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    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.