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Recent content by Mist Dragon

  1. Mist Dragon

    I want to give feedback but I have no idea what I'm doing

    I think I read one of the best ideas on critting someone's writing: Huh? ZZZZ? No way might have been one more, but the idea isn't to tell them how to fix anything, just where you were confused, or bored, or something isn't believable. We all have our own ideas, and I kind of doubt all of mine...
  2. Mist Dragon

    Top 100 Fantasy Authors (How Many Have You Read?)

    This list is rubbish, if they don't include Andre Norton, who wrote the witch world series, and many of the first fantasy books I've read.
  3. Mist Dragon

    Plot questions

    You might want to consider the reasons why the other aliens would attack the humans. The generic 'invaders' to the planet idea might be ok for one, but if there are more than one intelligent race on the planet already, then that reasoning becomes a bit more week. Do the humans attack one of...
  4. Mist Dragon

    Caption this...

    The invading army looks in amazement at the army of defenders and the one woman lacking any armor.
  5. Mist Dragon

    Telling stories

    I do like planning though. Most of the stories where I have a good solid plan and know where the story is going turn out a lot better than if I just wing it, I find there is still plenty of room in those scenes for things not really in the plan, but if something is going to impact the overall...
  6. Mist Dragon

    Telling stories

    I don't like outlines, but I do like to figure out what is going on. I think what I don't like about an outline is because in school you had to do the rigid structure and remember which section got a number, letter, capital or lower case. It was an exercise in form and remembering rules, and...
  7. Mist Dragon

    Caption this...

    I can tell you are bluffing. You slobber all over when you have a good hand.
  8. Mist Dragon

    On the complexities of writing a series

    I get the idea, and the reasons, but like anything that becomes a success, there are too many imitators. Harry potter gave us so many spin offs of wizard school books...some of which were really good too...then twilight deluded us with a vampire/warewolf/whatever horror monster in droves. I'm...
  9. Mist Dragon

    On the complexities of writing a series

    I remember Piers Anthony would spit out a 3 to 4 books a year, and I think there were other writers who put out equally frequent books. They weren't incredible but they were mostly readable. I think the Xanth series ended up being like 30 something books. I think I managed to get through about...
  10. Mist Dragon

    Caption this...

    It's hard work getting to the tasty bits inside those shells, but so worth the effort.
  11. Mist Dragon

    Musings about the laws of physics' assumed immutability

    Newton called his laws, and Einstein called his a theory. The laws break down in space because they don't actually factor in time, while the theory has proven far more reliable until you hit the more exotic forms of space. My point is some person says it's a law, then tell people it can't be...
  12. Mist Dragon

    Musings about the laws of physics' assumed immutability

    but what makes them laws? some things we can accept as reality, and under normal circumstance they are perfectly valid, but even the theory of relativity which is very much applicable to much of the universe breaks down once you start crossing the event horizon of a black hole. There are other...
  13. Mist Dragon

    Caption this...

    Wait! I could see my way to adding you to the manuscript.
  14. Mist Dragon

    Losing Interest When Writing?

    I've done both, but as I've progressed, I find if I know where I'm going with the story, then the story starts to be able to take on more depth with character interactions and growth. For me, I find if I understand my characters, what they are thinking along with how things are impacting them...
  15. Mist Dragon

    Caption this...

    I don't need to see you, I can smell you. When is the last time you took a bath?