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Recent content by ncpendergast

  1. ncpendergast

    Receiving critiques has grown more difficult

    Hehe, true. We should resurrect the man and make him write more. ;)
  2. ncpendergast

    When do you come up with a title for your novel?

    Ditto. And when I start changing working titles back and forth before the first draft is done, that's generally a bad sign. My current project has its title since the very start, and I'll stick with it (it has a sub-title that changed a few times, because I split it into two books). My short...
  3. ncpendergast

    I want to see more...

    Absolutely! China Miéville is awesome, as is Jeff VanderMeer. And yes, scary monsters. We definitely need those. Also, orcs.
  4. ncpendergast

    Receiving critiques has grown more difficult

    Haha, glad you like it. :) Exactly. Justified critique aside, this whole business of trying to prove one's worth in the eyes of others is IMHO quite detrimental to the writing process. It's basically a form of people-pleasing, and we all know where that leads. I'm not saying you (and that...
  5. ncpendergast

    Hey guys!

    Thank you, everyone! Yup, an epic fantasy graphic novel. It'll be up as a webcomic first -- in fact, the beginning was, before my plot imploded (oops). If you're on Twitter, you might even have heard of it, it's called "Orcs for Hire". /shameless self-advertising @JCFarnham: Cool! I'm rather...
  6. ncpendergast

    Hey guys!

    Thank you! Nice to meet you, too.
  7. ncpendergast

    Receiving critiques has grown more difficult

    I hear you. That sounds a lot like myself, it's almost a little scary (minus the supportive parents - mine are my biggest haters). Yeah, critique hurts. So be it. But here's the thing: If you really want to write, have to write - and I'd say you probably do, from what you're writing here -...
  8. ncpendergast

    Your Vision Doesn't Match Your Writing

    Great ideas here so far, thank you. :) @gavintonks - I meditate on the story, too! Works wonders, also for creating characters. I'm usually doing that while listening to movie/game soundtracks, or sometimes classical music. 1. Sketch scenes out. Now you don't need to be an artist to do...
  9. ncpendergast

    How Serious Are You About Writing?

    Make that "writer and artist" (I draw comics besides writing), and I'm an 8, turning 9, as I'm currently working on making this a business. Previously I was too timid (and too busy otherwise) to consider publication.
  10. ncpendergast

    Hey guys!

    Hi everyone, I'm Nikita Pendergast, writer and artist from Europe. I've been reading and writing fantasy for over 15 years, and sf for not quite as long (never published anything, tho, nor tried to). Right now I'm working on an epic fantasy graphic novel (yay!).