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Recent content by RedMorningSky

  1. RedMorningSky

    Anyone got book recommendations?

    I don't know if you've read The Name of the Wind, by patrick Rothfuss but's that what I ended up reading after ASOIAF and it is definitely a favorite of mine. Plus the sequel The Wise Man's Fear is great as well. I can't recommend those two books highly enough. Plus there is a third coming out...
  2. RedMorningSky

    Writing a moment down

    When I saw your description it sounded like it could be similar to flash fiction, but it also could be described as a vignette where you are just describing a moment and it isn't really a part of a larger narrative. I like that sort of writing. I kind of see it as the writing version of a...
  3. RedMorningSky

    What do you do when...

    I think you need to re-plan and just let things happen organically. That's what's happening in my WIP. Some major things I planned ended up not really fitting as well as I thought so I need to do a lot of reworking. Some of the original ideas I really like individually, but if they don't fit...
  4. RedMorningSky

    Help with mythology/religion

    Man, all these ideas are great. Thanks to everyone for helping me out. All of these are extremely plausible so I just need to figure out what works best but now I have much more to throw around in creating the actual myth.
  5. RedMorningSky

    Help with mythology/religion

    It seems like those two ideas could be combined maybe. So Aenor sees that his village is failing and has the feeling that he can find the answer over the mountain but then on his way up he almost dies, until Ajorak helps him by giving him fire.
  6. RedMorningSky

    Help with mythology/religion

    My initial idea was that he could be seeking his god but the problem with that was he had never heard of Ajorak beforehand. This is basically where the religion started. I need him to go to the mountain for some brave, admirable reason that makes Ajorak decide to save him and teach him.
  7. RedMorningSky

    Help with mythology/religion

    In my WIP I'm working on an important myth in the region's religion called De'Ajor. The idea is that Ajorak is the god of the sun and initially taught one worthy man, Aenor how to use fire and other "elements" that relate to the sun such as shadow and light, ect. Man could not create fire before...
  8. RedMorningSky

    You know what really grinds my gears?

    That's a good way to handle it lol. I may have to use that. It's so annoying when people are constantly asking questions during the movie. I mean I can see maybe one or two but a lot of the time the whole point is that you're not supposed to know something exactly that moment and eventually you...
  9. RedMorningSky

    Answering uncomfortable questions?

    Langston Hughes gives a good account of ship life in his memoir The Big Sea because he was a sailor for a while.
  10. RedMorningSky

    Mythic Republic| A Fantasy Government Type RPG

    This sounds like a great idea. I'd have to see if I would have the time to commit, but it definitely seems like fun.
  11. RedMorningSky

    Re-inventing the Harpy and the Unicorn

    I think if you want to portray the unicorns as a force to be reckoned with then you can still call it a unicorn but just make sure the description and the creatures actions defy peoples' beliefs about what a unicorn is. I'll believe that the unicorn is badass when it takes the horn and stabs the...
  12. RedMorningSky

    Writing test, does your story suck?

    I take lists like this with a grain of salt, but they do make some good points. Obviously generalizations, but definitely some things to keep in mind.
  13. RedMorningSky

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    I took the test and I got 50% on each which I think describes me pretty well. I think a lot of it for me depends on the situation and my mood. I can be pretty loud and boisterous at times but I can just as easily sit quietly and think.
  14. RedMorningSky

    Using Scrivener to keep track of things.

    I recently started using ywriter. I think it's relatively similar but is free. It has been working well for me so far.
  15. RedMorningSky

    Mythic Scribes E-Zine

    That sounds really cool. I'd love to submit at some point.