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Recent content by Rorick

  1. Rorick

    Character voice

    Thanks everyone for the continued input, it's given me lots to think about. As for whether they 'get it' or not, it's not really important that they do. It's not really a defining point for the character. My worry was just that someone might read through and say: "What the hell? This guy has...
  2. Rorick

    Character voice

    I see your point, but still, would he consciously make that decision (and thus provoke some explicit narrative), or would it be so much part of him that it just is?
  3. Rorick

    Character voice

    Thanks, that's what I was erring on the side of. None of my beta readers picked up on it actually. I've only noticed it myself after leaving the story for three months. One big thing was the narrative voice was pretty inconsistent, but I think I've fixed that now. Thank you
  4. Rorick

    the "main character"

    I think the concept of a single protagonist versus many protagonists is something that the story itself will work out. Write it, let it carve its own path. If you need all six character arcs to tell a story, then so be it, but make them count. Have a think about whether all of these characters...
  5. Rorick

    Character voice

    I've written, re-written, edited and begun to polish a novel. It's written in first-person from the perspective of a thief and con-artist. During the course of his interactions with other characters, I've found his voice changes a lot. For example, when he's amongst other rogues, he replies in...
  6. Rorick

    Sketches and doodles

    This is Grimbald, a Captain of the guard.
  7. Grimbald


  8. Rorick

    Sketches and doodles

  9. Rorick

    Sketches and doodles

    I do. In honesty, it's because it's easier than getting it realistic ;) I'll have a go later on...
  10. Rorick

    Sketches and doodles

    This is Vetr. He's a pretty pivotal character in my book. A cowardly, self-serving, avaricious guard... <click to embiggen>
  11. Vetr


  12. Rorick

    Sketches and doodles

    Thanks everyone. Oooh! A big spike! Now there's a thought...
  13. Rorick

    Sketches and doodles

    And another one... I had a scene that required a ridiculously impractical helmet. Here it is:
  14. Rorick

    Sketches and doodles

    More stuff from my notebooks: This is Ordelarde, a piteous, whining, pathetic alderman... More Titaris ideas... Skulls...
  15. Ordelarde

