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Recent content by SirJasonCrage

  1. SirJasonCrage


    Don't get me started. The background story for everything I write is the Gods War. A rebellion against the gods who have ruled the world since human/elven/dwarven memory. And there is a god for everything that has people praying to it. God of Fire? Everyone believe there's a godly power in...
  2. SirJasonCrage

    The German from Galiria

    I, uh, would not put it past them? They employ enough pyro in their shows, they might as well cook it on stage, too.
  3. SirJasonCrage

    The German from Galiria

    Nothing. But then again, nothing really stopped me for the last fifteen, and yet here we are, bookless, maidenless and entirely undisciplined.
  4. SirJasonCrage

    Do you enjoy reading, or is it more like a chore?

    I mean, I never claimed comprehension :D I was a teenager, I comprehended neither real life nor the books I read. I usually finish books even if I hate them, just so I can vent about them without some smartass asking "but did you finish it? The end is so good!"
  5. SirJasonCrage

    Do you enjoy reading, or is it more like a chore?

    Reading's the easy part. Writing is the chore. At least the parts where I don't have that "one scene" in mind that I am working towards. As for childhood: I used to be able to read the whole day. I remember, on a reread, I finished one of the Potter books in a day. Now that I'm an adult, I...
  6. SirJasonCrage

    What are you Reading Now?

    Currently reading The Bonehunters. Malazan never really gripped me. I really hated the first book, even gave away my copy. But then reddit convinced me to read the Deadhouse Gates. And funny enough, that one instantly entered my top three fantasy books (alongside Storm of Swords and Name of the...
  7. SirJasonCrage

    What Are You Playing Now?

    I'm an absolute veteran of AoW, having played AoW2 even before Shadow Magic came out. I even played Planetfall for a long time. I used to play Battle for Wesnoth a lot. I am playing Elden Ring, just discovered the snow fields. I am a League of Legends veteran, if that counts.
  8. SirJasonCrage

    The German from Galiria

    Man I've been here a whole of fifteen minutes and I could already tell you'd be the first to reply. So yeah, howdy pmmg. Glad to be here :)
  9. SirJasonCrage

    The German from Galiria

    Hello fellow writers and aspiring storytellers. I am some German guy, just reached thirty and I've been writing for half my life. Usually when I was supposed to be doing something else. Nowadays, I make my money by writing... customs declarations. But the dream never died. One day, I'll finish...