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Recent content by StuartEWise

  1. S

    How large could you make a bow?

    Terry Pratchett has the troll, Detritus using a siege bow in a couple of the Discworld books - he picks it up in 'Men at Arms.' 'This little bow scare you?' said Nobby. 'No. Right. This is a little bow. A little bow wouldnt scare a man like you, because its such a little bow. I'd need a...
  2. S

    So is most self-published material poorly edited?

    No problem Stuart, I am in between reviews at the moment, having just sorted out 'Boneland' by Alan Garner and a couple of Frankenstein prequels by Kenneth Oppel. I am waiting for a new list of books pending reviews to land in my inbox from the site, so am happy to have a meander through yours...
  3. S

    So is most self-published material poorly edited?

    Evening all I have the honour of being an 'official' reviewer for fantasybookreview.co.uk. (Unpaid) The site receives a fair amount of requests for reviews as you might imagine, both from established publishing houses as well as small independents. We do review work by self published authors...
  4. S

    Good evening all

    Hi Zoe I write for www dot fantasybookreview dot co dot uk - dont know how this site views links etc to other fantasy sites, so I have written it out to be on the safe side. My review of 'Boneland' has been submitted, but can take up to a week to appear on the site - depends how busy Lee is...
  5. S

    Norse Mythology - Need Help with ReCreating Norse Gods

    There are a number of books covering norse mythology on Amazon for the Kindle that are free to download
  6. S

    Guild Wars 2

    Tay Zendreth if anyone from here wants to look me up.
  7. S

    Fantasy Must Read List

    The book that had the most impact on me as a child was Alan Garner's 'Weirdstone of Brisingamen' which I would thoroughly recommend to anyone who wants a high quality children / YA epic fantasy story.
  8. S

    Disabilities in fantasy lit?

    Hey all. Intreresting discussion, so thought I would throw my two penn'orth into the mix. Firstly a couple of 'disabled' characters for you, first Beldin the hunchbacked, foul mouthed dwarf from David Edding's Belgariad. More recently, Inquisitor Glokta created by Joe Abercrombie, who is a...
  9. S

    Good evening all

    Hi, just thought I would drop a quick note to introduce myself. My name is Stuart and I am in the early stages of becoming an English teacher, having decided to change careers after 20+ years in the Leisure Industry. I took a combined English Literature and Language degree over 4 years whilst...