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Recent content by SunnyE

  1. S

    Minder by Jennifer Kabay -- FREE on Amazon

    I recently read Minder by Jennifer Kabay and really enjoyed it. Just found out it's free on Amazon right now so I wanted to recommend it to anyone that likes YA fantasy. Link to book: Minder: Jennifer Kabay, Christopher Barnett: Amazon.com: Kindle Store Description: Oh, Parents. If you...
  2. S

    Stranger than myth?

    Perhaps something wonky in the water supply? I had that happen at an office I worked at once. After several announcements in close succession, the rest of us started eying each other suspiciously and made jokes about who would be next. Some women laughed. Others were a little freaked out. But...
  3. S

    Why don't people realize how hard it can be to write?

    Seems to me that a lot of people have an inflated view of their own abilities. In everything. Can't tell you how often I've heard some idiot say, "Hey! I could totally do that!" Whether speaking of writing, art, acting, athletics, dancing, politics, medicine, you name it, there are a ton of...
  4. S

    King Richard III probably found!!

    I've always been a history/archaeology buff, so I was really excited to see the story on the news over here in America. Such an incredible find; I can't imagine what it was like for people lucky enough to be on the dig. But I thought it really sad to think that a king (or anyone for that matter)...
  5. S

    If you could, woould you go to New Zealand?

    You bet. I had a friend in high school that was an exchange student from there. He put the bug in me to want to visit. The pics and descriptions were amazing. Then the long list of movies that were filmed there just added to it. I've heard the people are wonderful. I actually just had some...
  6. S

    Are nightmares worth it for better stories?

    No. I don't think they're worth it. They suck. I've had them since early childhood and they are generally vicious, gory, horrifying and disturbing enough that they often stay with me long after I wake up. I have so many other sources of inspiration for writing that nightmares don't even need to...
  7. S

    Final cover art for THE QUEEN OF MAGES

    Beautiful. Congratulations. :)
  8. S

    Post Your Opening Paragraph

    I like it. Makes me interested in where he's been, how long he's been gone. I'd read on for sure. :) Here's mine from the first draft of my novel. From the prologue: They were running. Feet pounding the earth, breath coming in ragged gasps. The sounds of leaves rustling and twigs snapping hung...
  9. S

    Hello there!

    LOL, I've been called Sunny D by teasers since elementary school. Among other things. I can handle it. ;)
  10. S

    Trying to write DAILY

    I struggle with this all the time. Which is why it's taken me forever to make progress on my novel. I go through periods of great progress, writing thousands of words a day, then days or more with nothing. It's very frustrating. I've vowed to finish my book this year though, so I'll have to...
  11. S

    Nicknames You Hated

    I completely agree! That's ridiculous for adults to behave that way. It's hostile and unacceptable. As for me, my name is Sunny. So I got everything under the sun (haha, yeah, like that) that had to do with my name: Moony, Gloomy, Cloudy, Black Cloud (that one from a middle school science...
  12. S

    The Twilight Zone - A Must Watch For Writers?

    I watch reruns daily. I also watch the reruns of the updated ones done in the 80s or 90s when they come on. I love them, though the originals are much better imo. Too many good episodes to pick favorites. As far as being required viewing for writers, I would say no. I think it totally depends on...
  13. S

    Hello there!

    Thanks all! So happy to meet you. :)
  14. S

    Hello there!

    My name is Sunny and I'm new to this whole forum thing. I'm hoping to develop some relationships with other writers, to get and give support, and to learn plenty of new things. I've been writing in different capacities for years, and am hoping to finish the first book of my series this year. I'm...
  15. S

    Say Something Positive About Your Least Favorite Author

    I have one that I just can't. I just can't no matter how hard I try. Kurt Vonnegut. *cringe* Please don't skewer me. I have for years heard his fans refer to him as one of the greatest writers of all time. I happened upon a copy of Galapagos many years ago. I did manage to get through it without...