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ThinkerX's latest activity

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    ThinkerX replied to the thread Connecting two scenes.
    Go for the earlier version. Have the character with the dream come across trivial items that remind him of that dream now and again...
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread ELFS AND ELVES.
    Well... the Elves in my worlds originated with the schemes of the 'ancient aliens.' Multiple tens of thousands of years ago, the...
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread Amazon reviews help.
    I need to clarify something here. Amazon does not tolerate and is alert for 1 to 1 review swaps. Goodreads and one or two Facebook...
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread Soldier 1262 question.
    My tales are set in the aftermath of a devastating war that dragged on for decades. Usually, fantasy tales of great conflicts like this...
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread What are your story seeds?.
    I'd suggest reading the story. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVZ2C6MV But if you don't have the time or inclination for that - Tia has...
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread What are your story seeds?.
    Hmm... With 'Empire: Country' the initial spark was a short 'Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing' adventure where a group of travelers...
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread Amazon reviews help.
    Getting reviews is a pain. My best success has come via participating in Goodreads Review Groups - ten people doing an assigned 'round...
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread Hypothetical question?.
    A problem that serious? The commander gets a message to his superiors. In the meanwhile, strength in numbers. NOBODY goes anywhere or...
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    I know the feeling. I had a couple of books that just seemed to drag on and on...
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    And then things get interesting when a fleet of trimarans slide onto the beach of the impassable sea.
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread Flashbacks.
    My 'Empire' series has flashbacks aplenty in different flavors. Kyle is a burly peasant who was drafted into the imperial legions...
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    Most ship plans I know of are vertical cutaways. The (disturbing thing is just how much of the hull - usually two full decks - was...
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread A few of my works.
    Getting rid of the termites by burning down the house. Sounds like your society has serious internal social problems.
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    I have Polynesian-style trimarans on the one world, though catamarans would be more common. That said - Hokulea | Learn The History...
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    ThinkerX replied to the thread A few of my works.
    Sounds like you are in Russia. Were you able to watch the video I posted?