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Recent content by Thursday

  1. T


    I like a lot of their original series too. I don't think those are aimed at teenage boys at all. They are more mainstream than you'd expect from a science fiction channel but they need to draw in advertising dollars to make the big movies.
  2. T

    Do you start your story with a bang?

    I think it works best if there's an intro or preface chapter that has the action and then the actual book can start with background. That way both needs are met but the reader is pulled in immediately.
  3. T

    Getting Names for My Characters

    I combine names of people I know and if I come across a strange name on TV or in real life I'll jot it down and keep it for a future book. Combining names in strange ways works the best for me.
  4. T

    One big continent or two?

    How close to the end of writing are you? If you start to merge and then need to go back and change a whole lot of things that might set you back further than you want to be. I'm not trying to look at the lazy way, just I know from experience if I start changing things then I get really messed up.
  5. T

    Books/Stories for Inspiration?

    I try not to read at all. I don't want to end up with a 'new' idea that's actually someone else's. I've woken up and started writing because of a dream I've had and then a few pages later realized I read it somewhere else recently.
  6. T

    using italics for thoughts

    As a longtime reader I do prefer reading italics than a new chapter or an indented one. Following quotes-especially when you're quoting in the quoted first person's thoughts, can get very confusing.
  7. T

    Thoughts on Terra Nova

    It just seems like a rehash of other shows or maybe I'm getting too old because most shows these days seem like rehash. I really like Sanctuary though-it's a much faster moving storyline than this. I keep waiting for Cha-ka to come running out of the woods.
  8. T

    Free online fantasy games?

    Dark Sword is one and you can always check out places like BigFish and Gamehouse. They're either free or pretty cheap depending on what you choose and offer free demos.
  9. T

    How do you *spark* your ideas, and creat your stories?

    My characters usually come from someone I see in a grocery store, something they're doing or wearing will spark something in me that makes them otherworldly. As far as planning I definitely use an outline, I've tried it without one and I end up getting so sidetracked I have to start over.
  10. T

    Reality shows leaving?

    Now that we've got American Horror, soon to be followed by Grimm and Once Upon a Time, which genre do you think will be taking the hit-cop, law, medical or reality shows?
  11. T


    I've found myself checking the listings every night for the next day. They've been running some pretty good shows that have been taken off the air. They'll have an all-day marathon and then depending on how many episodes they own they'll continue it two weeks later. It seems to run all movies...
  12. T

    American Horror

    Was the person in the rubber suit a ghost? I wasn't sure if it was really her husband, a ghost or maybe a neighbor guy we don't know about yet.
  13. T


    I took this when I was a teenager and the person testing me said that there were no conclusive results whatsover. Not sure if that meant I was a sociopath, psychopath or just overthought everything.
  14. T

    Is main stream publishing ready for transgendered characters? Opinions anyone?

    I think it would be accepted just fine and actually might pick up a bigger audience because of it thanks to people like Chaz Bono and whatsername Arquette.
  15. T

    The Dresden Files TV show

    I remember the TV show more than the books even though I read them later. I love the actor that played Harry and it's a shame it was cancelled.