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Recent content by Urethule111

  1. Urethule111

    In need of an outside perspective

    I wouldn't necessarily disapprove of either of them. It all depends upon the context. In our own time frame, both Poison gases, and Slavery have been outlawed on an international level. Through the cultural developments of our society during the past few hundred years, the use of either...
  2. Urethule111

    Post Nuclear Armageddon World

    I have seen the idea before, most notably in Armageddon's Children by Terry Brooks, as mentioned above. However, it hasn't yet become a "Common" route to take in world building and it seems to me that there is a great deal of room for new angles and ideas. I would personally recommend the...
  3. Urethule111


    For my part, I have loved the Potter Universe ever since I was introduced to it. Naturally there were things I liked, and things I disliked throughout the series, but I don't believe that she did anything unjustifiable with her plot lines or characters. Having read a great many series, some...
  4. Urethule111

    Allow myself to introduce... uh... myself...

    Greetings everyone! I have never registered to a forum/site such as this. However, I have been aspiring to write a series of fantasy books for many years. Thus far I have made a great deal of progress in some areas, and depressingly little in others. It occurred to me to seek out an active...