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Recent content by Warlock

  1. Warlock

    Is it possible to use magic without saying "magic"?

    I think Tolkien did it in his Lord of the Rings trilogy and in the Hobbit, though I haven't read the books in a while so I am not 100% positive. However, in Middle-Earth magic was not something supernatural but a part of the world itself, plus whatever 'magic' was performed was done so in a...
  2. Warlock

    Hello everyone!

    Thank you both for the warm welcome! :) I'll be sure to post some of stories/drafts as soon as I can muster the courage and the post count needed to reach those parts of the forum.
  3. Warlock

    Talk about your avatar!

    Yeah I am excited about it and really want to play the game. However, I've tried to show as little interest in it as possible and sadly I won't be playing it this year, since I have a long and hard school year ahead of me filled with lots of studying. As soon as school starts here in Greece, my...
  4. Warlock

    Best Fantasy Game or Film Soundtracks?

    Game soundtracks: World of Warcraft has some of the best soundtracks out there, as does Lord of the Rings: Online, Dragon Age I and of course, Skyrim. Star Wars: The Old Republic also has some very nice tracks. Film soundtracks: Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy has some of the most...
  5. Warlock

    Talk about your avatar!

    1) What is your avatar? Grenth, god if ice and death, from Guild Wars. 2) Why did you choose it? No specific reason, other than that I like it aesthetically. 3) Does it inspire your writing, in some way? I do not think so.
  6. Warlock

    Hello everyone!

    First, some words about myself: I am a 17 year old male from Greece(that place which can't seem to manage its own economy), soon-to-be burdened with a large amount of studying for his last year in school. I enjoy playing video-games(RPGs and RTSs), reading books(mainly fantasy, thrillers and...