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Recent content by Waz

  1. Waz

    How do people address authors with pen names?

    Thanks cupiscent. That's a good bit of info and helps with pen names that have a first name, which I was curious about. But what about pen names with initials instead of a first name. I'll return to the J.K. Rowling example. What do people call her if not J.K.? Are there any examples that you...
  2. Waz

    How do people address authors with pen names?

    Some background: My last name is not exactly the easiest to pronounce and spell (Wasielewski), so I'm considering the use of a pen name. I thought about going with the fantasy tried-and-true type of Initial.Initial. Full Name (C.S. Lewis / J.R.R. Tolkien / J.K. Rowling / etc.). My leading idea...
  3. Waz

    How do your beliefs inform your writing?

    I would argue that's it's impossible for a writer's beliefs to not filter into their stories. Even someone who's agnostic or atheistic still has beliefs about how life should be, morality, eventuality, justice, etc. If an atheist writes a story with a god or gods in it, their theological reasons...
  4. Waz

    Land and Personality?

    I think it does. I feel lost, bored, and slightly saddened when in a completely flat area because I grew up around forested hills. A lot of it has to do with what reminds me of home and comfort. An ocean view is nice, but I'd rather have hills or mountains long-term as the view from my home. As...
  5. Waz

    Writing an aesthetically perfect woman

    I agree with those who said the key is not in the description of the woman, but in the description of how it affects those who see her. In Perelandra, C.S. Lewis' protagonist meets a new Eve, and he feels nearly compelled to worship her. With information like that and a few key (but not overly...
  6. Waz

    After 'Grimdark'

    If people could actually predict the next phase of the cycles with accuracy, they'd be writing those books instead of merely guessing what they'd be. That isn't to sweep the OP's question under the rug: it's still fun to discuss and guess. I have no problem with grimdark waning. I'm more...
  7. Waz

    Writing tips that stuck with you

    I've heard and read a lot of great writing advice, and occasionally simple statements have a big impact on me. How about you? Any words of wisdom that continue to influence how you write? I'l give 2. #1: "Learn to love rewriting." I have no idea why I even remember this statement, and it's...
  8. Waz

    Is working on two projects better?

    The all-important question is "Are you still making progress on your 1st WIP?" It's fine to temporarily jump to another project and may even be best if you have a specific scene you're itching to write. However, if switching becomes a habit and stories never get finished, then the advice is just...
  9. Waz

    The most basic questions--my 1st story :P

    There are different approaches. I prefer a basic story outline to start plus some other details: what is the message, what are the themes, what is the twist, or how does it end. I then go into chapters with a more detailed structure of it, and the rest of the details flesh out as I go along. I...
  10. Waz

    What do you listen to?

    I listen to a lot of stuff, but I'll post what I listen to as background noise while I'm writing (it is a writer's forum afterall). I can't do anything with English lyrics, too distracting. Strangely, classical is also distracting (the big swings in volume, instruments, etc.). The playlists...
  11. Waz

    Flash Forwards as a Hook

    I'm heavily considering a flash forward for my WIP. There are two story narratives progressing simultaneously. The first is protagonist's pursuit of a goal, and the second is the buildup of a large war happening all around him. The reader only sees snippets of the buildup through most of the...
  12. Waz

    Retreating and Battles

    First off, in the 11th century, think "Battle" rather than "War." 11th century is the tail end of the Viking era. The main reason the Vikings succeeded is that rulers had little power and small armies. Wars tended to be the result of neighbors with bad blood occasionally getting ambitious...
  13. Waz

    My World

    I have to agree with WooHooMan that your ideas seem more cultic than fantastical. Honestly, I would not be interested a story like this. If you want to create a story from the dreams, I recommend dropping any celebrity, historical figure, or deity names. Easing up a bit on the sexual aspect of...
  14. Waz

    Skipping time in a novel?

    Bearman1, jumping ahead can work quite well, and it's a great effect ending at a tragic moment and then seeing the tired and weary survivors later. I'm trying to think of a book that does it right now, but the game The Last of Us comes to mind. If you haven't played it, just watch the first 15...
  15. Waz

    Which is scarier, unexpected or anticipated?

    I second Amnesia. Great game. Here's a montage of scared reactions including the "Milky Way" one. Warning, the four-letter-words fly constantly in this video. Amnesia The Dark Decent Best Of Reactions Compilation - YouTube