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Recent content by weareOSW

  1. weareOSW

    Fantasy Wrestlers

  2. weareOSW

    Fantasy Wrestlers

    I run something called an e-fed and use DAZ3D to create the poser models for the wrestlers that people create to fantasy write as. I thought I'd show some of my work off. You can see more of at it Old School Wrestling | weareOSW, an e-wrestling creative writing e-fed. but I plan to share some of...
  3. weareOSW


    This is the winning promo/roleplay, written by Eli Forever for his match above with Zander Zane. --- FAME. ELI FOREVER The Book of Eli Chapter XXXVI Fame. Once upon a time, a band named Fame won over the attention of millions strong when they wrote catchiest song of the summer. Like...
  4. weareOSW


    Having written in e-feds for as long as I have, it's still astonishing to me how our little corner of the writing community is still rather unknown in fantasy writing circles. It's a brilliant facet of the internet that so many different communities can exist, yet not know of each other. I...
  5. weareOSW

    Your opinions on “The Prophecy” in Fantasy?

    I'm not sure there's anything wrong with a prophecy story or storyline, as long as it's handled well. I would always consider adding a twist to it, though, to keep the reader surprised by the outcome. A prophecy can be purposefully vague, allowing you some wiggle room to manoeuvre and deliver to...
  6. weareOSW


    Hey, My name is Dean and I'm a 32 year old from England. I've been dabbling in fantasy writing since I was about thirteen and have stuck mostly to wrestling based concepts that we call 'e-feds'. Over the past five years I've ran my own e-fed called Old School Wrestling that whilst based in...