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Recent content by WPT

  1. W

    Ask me about Warfare

    Not-so-quick addition to Cold's quick answer There is some more on how the Ancient Egyptians used chariots at this web page: Search Results There are two links, one to a relatively short video segment, another to an entire show (52 minutes) about the reconstruction of Egyptian war...
  2. W

    Ask me about Warfare

    Testudos You're right about the problems on an open battlefield. I have read a couple of stories where soldiers employed the testudo in a town in riot situations. I can see that it would certainly help fend off things thrown from all directions and enable a unit to force their way into a...
  3. W

    Armor through ages. As as anything.

    The military museum at the Tower of London displays two types of arrows used with longbows. One type has the conventional rather broad, flat arrow point sharpened along the edge. The other type has a forged tip that is no larger than the shaft, roughly a third of an inch (about 1 cm), is three...
  4. W

    Ask me about Warfare

    Not sure, but the testudo could give protection against volleys of arrows, javelins, and stones - if the stones aren't too big.
  5. W

    Armor through ages. As as anything.

    I was thinking the same way as I was reading this. To get some ideas of superior materials that might have to be produced magically, look at modern materials produced with modern technology. In a fantasy world, don't worry about how the material was made, just be sure a mage was involved in...
  6. W

    Typical Fantasy Creatures vs. Exotic Fantasy Creatures

    Don't ignore science fiction writers in your search for exotic monsters. Many would fit right in without any changes at all, and would be more fearsome with a magical power. Larry Niven refers to a number of monsters in his "Tales of Known Space" series of short stories. Also, of course...
  7. W

    Help with my opening Paragraph?

    The first paragraph would be much better if you reduced "The attack came at dawn. The girl woke..." to "Alana woke..." Then it would probably serve well. One commenter questioned how she could hear the difference between steel and bronze blades, which might be possible, but you could avoid...