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Recent content by zizban

  1. zizban

    How in-depth is your worldbuilding?

    For world building, it depends. If its taking place in a small area I generally don't spend a lot of time world building. For more encompassing works, I do enough world building to make things consistent. It really depends. For my assassin series I did some basic stuff then went writing since...
  2. zizban

    Naming Fantasy Races

    When I name, I try to be consistent. For one region, I'll pick names from some culture, another region another culture. I can't make up languages, either, so I'll consult a friend and use a slang version of her native Hindi.
  3. zizban

    Multi-"MC" based plot ~ Highway to the danger zone ?

    I did a long multi-plot once. To keep track of things I kept a timeline and lots of notes. It was a fun challenge and it worked out OK.
  4. zizban

    Terry Goodkind self publishing

    Ayn Rand follower.
  5. zizban

    Booktrope Open To Submissions

    My publisher, Booktrope, is now open to submissions. They are a nifty little press out of Seattle and I have had nothing but positive experience with them. http://authors.booktrope.com/reserve/
  6. zizban

    Is it harder to write the opposite sex?

    I am a coward. I try to avoid writing them because I'd sound like a male trying to write a female.
  7. zizban

    Free short story

    My short story, "The Return of the King", is now available in the FREE anthology Unusual Stories. Did I mention it's free? https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/287127#longdescr
  8. zizban

    When do you edit?

    I write straight through from beginning to end. I'll sometimes take notes on some things I want to change in the next draft but I don't edit. I just keep writing until I reach The End.
  9. zizban

    Writing Sword-Fighting?

    I am terrible at writing sword fighting scenes. I try to avoid them.
  10. zizban

    Ouroboros Now On Sale!

    My fantasy novel Ouroboros is now on sale! It’s only 99 cents! If you’ve been waiting to buy a copy, now is your chance. It doesn’t get any cheaper than this. Buy here.
  11. zizban

    What Makes You Stop Writing?

    Life, usually. I wont write on days when my wife and I are off together.
  12. zizban

    Glen Cook Interview

    I make exceptions for books that toss around of people and places. If I ever write a big bloated epic fantasy, I'll include a map.
  13. zizban

    Glen Cook Interview

    It was Glen Cook who changed my mind about publishing maps. It does limit possibilities and set boundaries, so my novel doesn't have a map published with it.
  14. zizban

    Where do you prefer to write?

    At home, in the computer room. I usually tune out distractions.
  15. zizban

    On Writing, Stephen King

    I recommend this book all the time. It changed my writing style enormously. I even credit Stephen King on the acknowledgments page of my book.