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About Anachronesia

Anchronesia is a continent in the Pacific Ocean, about the size of South America. It is governed by one nation of the same name. Its name come from the word "anachronistic," which means old-fashioned or belonging to a bygone era. They are called this because everything there is old-fashioned. From cars being that of the 60's and downward, fashion screaming of traditional, architecture being delicate, and even to riding on horseback, these peoples are very keen on preserving their culture and tradition. The continent itself is shaped like Pangea, with the last dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures even inhabiting the lands. The country is a constitutional monarchy, with a king holding equal power with the Parliament, made of a tricameral legislature. The continent consists of 2.1 billion people, with over 80% practicing the main religion Lexism (a placeholder name for now). Lexist beliefs are similar of that to Dharmic and Asian religions, following karma and reincarnation. LGBT and such are accepted peoples, as they are seen as nothing but humans to them. They even recognize a third sex, or multiple genders by some tribes. Prehumans also exist here, mainly uncontacted. Most animals and prehistorical beings are protected by the government; animal rights are taken as far as too a national ban on zoos, and a ban on exporting and importing living animals. It's also ecologically and biologically diverse, with many biomes and species.

Just a breif description of my fictional nation. I would go deeper into this, if y'all want. Thanks for reading!


Is it upside down, or is that what you want to portray about it, or maybe it’s funny? I see that there are a lot of curious figments, and facets, that shine up. It is a pretty good and well thought out advantageous situation for the folk of this land, but how big is it, as the crow flies?