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Fanta-see me


I know. It's too cute. But I couldn't come up with anything.

I've been writing since I was a kid. No, really. 9. I finished my first draft of my first full length novel shortly afterwards. Strangely, despite the fact it was deeply flawed, I just vulture carrion tore it to pieces and made something about it.

I write fusion fantasy. That's because everyone tells me I don't fit in any subgenre or genre pretty, so I invented a genre for myself: throw in everything and see what comes up.

I'm mainly here just because I miss having a solid community of writers, so I thought I'd try one on line!

If you ever want to get ahold of me, just go to: http://[email protected]



Welcome. Somtimes it is hard to fit what we write into the neat categories.

So far this seems like a solid online group. See you've got a good number of posts here. Hope you continue to stick around.


Dante Sawyer

Cicada. Welcome.

You really started writing when you were 9? Damn, impressive. I started like five years ago when I was 12, but 9 is really awesome! And are you published? Regardless, good to have you here. Chamos.
