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Are you looking for a new adult high fantasy read to get lost in? Great news! I just published my first book, Forged in Gold, on August 8th!

Set in a medieval fantasy realm whose name hasn't yet been discovered by its inhabitants, Forged in Gold follows the journey of Aurelia Brentwood, Queen of Akkinor, on her quest to find allies and answers on the forbidden continent of Carthe after an uprising orchestrated by those closest to her. Between dodging assassins sent by her tyrannical usurper, falling for a charming yet secretive traveler, and seeing firsthand the magic that's gone extinct from the rest of the world, Aurelia's time abroad (while masquerading as a commoner) forces her to reflect on over a thousand years of prejudice and hatred between Carthe and Akkinor. As she falls in love with Carthe, readers are given brief glimpses into what's happening in Akkinor under a cruel and selfish king. While her own country suffers and wonders if she'll ever return to set things right, Aurelia struggles to determine where she belongs: ruling over the traditional, misogynistic country of Akkinor that's never supported her as their queen, or living a peaceful, quiet life in the free kingdoms of Carthe, an ocean away from those who betrayed her out of preference for a male ruler.

If you like the following tropes, this story is for you: a strong female lead, hidden truths, slow burn romance, betrayal, destiny, family (both the good and the bad), overcoming prejudice, magical creatures (in a world where magic is hanging on by a thread), and power struggles.

I'd also like to note that Forged in Gold is the first of a trilogy that follows Aurelia's realm-altering actions, which may lead either to the realm's downfall or its Golden Age. It is also the first of a much larger series, where we'll see characters from across the realm (and from across different time periods) attempt to restore the world - once dripping with magic at every corner - into the fantastical place the gods created it to be.

Forged in Gold on Amazon
Only thing I’d say is that there’s no e-book, which would have been good as I like to be able to read a sample before I make a purchase. Congrats on the release, hopefully you’ll find some success.
Maybe try going on amazon.co.uk to see the difference? Our population is much smaller, so maybe it won’t make too much of an impact anyway.


Myth Weaver
Hate to say, but when I go to Amazon UK, the read sample is there as well. I dont know what to suggest.
On amazon .com no sample shows for me either, so unless I use a VPN to trick it into thinking I’m in the US, I don’t think a sample is going to show for me.

Emrick Norr

The sample can be seen from Canada.

Finch... they changed something on amazon though. Used to be that we could just click on the book thumbnail, and it would offer to read a sample. That feature seems gone for me, but under the thumbnail, there is a white rectangle to click on that says "Read Sample". I was wondering if you could see it. I will try to attach a picture.


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Thanks for showing me what it looks like Emrick - it’s doesn’t show up over here unfortunately. Not sure if it would show up on Katelyn’s dashboard showing where the sample is available.
Incidentally, why do you not have an Ebook copy?
I'm working on an ebook right now but hoping to get the first draft of the sequel done first! I ran into a few issues with formatting for the ebook - for one, I have a few interior illustrations in the print copies that I'd love to have in the ebook, but the program is super nitpicky about sizing and such. I have to reserve a few days out of my schedule to figure that out! Hoping to have the ebook out by the end of the year.
Thanks for showing me what it looks like Emrick - it’s doesn’t show up over here unfortunately. Not sure if it would show up on Katelyn’s dashboard showing where the sample is available.
My account says it should be viewable everywhere - I'm going to send a message over to see if they can resolve the issue. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!


Myth Weaver
The ebook is pretty bare bones and takes away a lot of the artistic control. I was not happy with it either, but I saw no remedy for it. The tools allow the users to adjust things I would prefer they did not, so.... I just had to go with it. They get the blocky font and the no frills page structure.

You need an ebook. Its like 90% of the sales.
The ebook is pretty bare bones and takes away a lot of the artistic control. I was not happy with it either, but I saw no remedy for it. The tools allow the users to adjust things I would prefer they did not, so.... I just had to go with it. They get the blocky font and the no frills page structure.

You need an ebook. Its like 90% of the sales.
I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed by it! Lol. If you say there's no real remedy, I'll take your word for it! I'll try to get started on the ebook next week then. I always forget how popular ebooks are because I prefer a physical copy!

Emrick Norr

My account says it should be viewable everywhere - I'm going to send a message over to see if they can resolve the issue.
I read since last time that if you don't have an ebook version, people who go on amazon with mobile cannot see the sample. May be Finchbearer was on mobile? That could explain it.

I put out a book on kindle a few years ago and I thought I would go insane. The key I guess, as in everything, is one little step at a time. This being said, I'm now aiming for trad publishing. Indie will now be an absolute last resort for me.

I believe pmmg's number is right, that ebooks are about 90% of the sales (for indie at least). And since you get 70% of the profits, you can lower your sale price. I stupidly chose the 35% profit option at the time.


Myth Weaver
On the subject of the ebook. I went exclusive to Kindle.

Doing this allows me to put my book into Amazon in a way that maximized their tools and marketing. It locks me in for 90 days, but I figured it was worth it to get the free marketing from their AI.

If you use a different distribute, you can list the ebook in more places (on your own) and amazon will not include you in their exclusive tools.

If you use amazon, and switch, you have to be careful not to duplicate or reuse ASN numbers. Amazon might zap you for that.