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Good karma points...


I apologize for this shameless panhandling, but I know there are a lot of readers here who may sometimes buy stuff from Amazon.... if you are going directly to Amazon.com, please do a good deed and visit the Diabetic Cats In Need page first. There is an Amazon Associate button in the top rt corner of their page. If you go to Amazon from there, and order stuff, the charity gets a tiny cut.

Diabetic Cats in Need

Diabetic Cats In Need works to foster and adopt out cats who have been abandoned by their families who did not want to deal with their diabetes. They also help out low-income parents of diabetic kitties with supplies and vet bills (as finances allow). They're in a hole right now and could use all the pennies they can scrounge. Thank you.

-Kit, mom of TWO diabetic cats (one adopted this January from DCIN)
