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Hello from Boston!

Hi everyone! I'm Katie from Boston, MA. I'm a new fantasy author and SO excited to have joined this incredible community of such talented, creative minds!
I'm 23 years and and graduated from college last year with a BA in English Literature. I'm also a devoted cat mama, a former substitute teacher and daycare teacher, and a lover of all things book/writing related!


Myth Weaver
Howdy Katie, Welcome Here.

BA in literature is great. I would like to shoot for that, but I am not sure I can get my company to pay for it. I just have to settle for IT.

And....Alright, I will confess it. Your selfie is just a little prettier than mine.
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Diana Silver

Hi Katelyn, great to have you here! I'm relatively new here too.

I was in Boston earlier this year and absolutely loved it. Great atmosphere and I found a wonderful bakery close to the park ^.^

Are you working in any manuscript right now? What's your favorite theme? :D
Howdy Katie, Welcome Here.

BA in literature is great. I would like to shoot for that, but I am not sure I can get my company to pay for it. I just have to settle for IT.

And....Alright, I will confess it. Your selfie is just a little prettier than mine.
Nonsense you're a very handsome dragon.
Howdy Katie, Welcome Here.

BA in literature is great. I would like to shoot for that, but I am not sure I can get my company to pay for it. I just have to settle for IT.

And....Alright, I will confess it. Your selfie is just a little prettier than mine.
Awwww thank you!!

And I totally understand the struggle...I actually went through the online program at SNHU which is just under $2k per class - still a lot but they give you all the time in the world to finish your classes! That's always a great option if you still want the degree in the future!
Hi Katelyn, great to have you here! I'm relatively new here too.

I was in Boston earlier this year and absolutely loved it. Great atmosphere and I found a wonderful bakery close to the park ^.^

Are you working in any manuscript right now? What's your favorite theme? :D
Hi Diana! I'm so glad you loved your trip to Boston! If you ever plan to go back, I have some great recommendations for you!

I'm currently working on the sequel to my debut which I just published August 8! So exciting but very nerve wracking too. I have so many favorite themes but I love the theme of destiny/divine purpose - I think there's so many angles to play at, and I've seen such unique results from authors around the world who dabble in this theme!
Hi Katie, congrats on your book, that must be an awesome feeling. Did you trad publish or go indie?
Thank you so much! It really is! I took the indie route but (as I'm sure all of us can agree) I'm still hoping to get picked up by an agent or publisher in the future.


Myth Weaver
Thank you so much! It really is! I took the indie route but (as I'm sure all of us can agree) I'm still hoping to get picked up by an agent or publisher in the future.

You don't need the publisher. You got it all together already. What would they have to offer that you do not already have?
You don't need the publisher. You got it all together already. What would they have to offer that you do not already have?
I'd want one only for the marketing/distribution benefits...I'm OK with marketing but not great at it, especially since I'm a new author, and I know most publishers have tried-and-true marketing plans that would probably (hopefully) see more sales coming my way! Every other aspect of publishing I've figured out myself and managed to do as professionally as possible, but books tend to get a lot more attention when picked up by a big publishing house.

One thing I'm not sure about is how royalties work when publishing indie vs. trad. I get a very small percentage of royalties obviously because of printing cost and Amazon's share, and especially because I did expanded distribution, so I'm wondering if I'd get a bit more by publishing traditionally. Even though I write because I love it and not because of the money, I'd love to see a little more of it!:ROFLMAO:


Myth Weaver
You will get less of a share of the royalties with a publisher.

You should be getting like 70% of the royalties with amazon if you set it up right. Thats pretty good.

Plus, you are young and new. You have time to build the empire. I'd not worry a lot about that. I just keep plugging along. Get readers, put out books, then get the rewards.