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Hello from Prairie Girl


New Member
Hello All:

I'm a Canadian author who has published a number of short stories and one novel in the genres of science fiction and fantasy. My first novel is now up at Amazon and it's entitled The Bridge of Haunted Souls. Right now, it's an e-novel, but the publisher is planning to put it into print soon.

I have just completed a new short story and am looking for some beta editors (hope that is okay to say so), and of course, I'm willing to offer the same support in return.

It's really blustery and cold today, so I'm inside writing, eating warm soup and trying to stay cosy. brrrrrrr!

All the best,


Myth Weaver
Hail and well met prairiegirl [aka Ilanna]
It is good to have you here.
Leap on in and enjoy Mythic Scribes.