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Hello, travelers.


I’m a writer, I have written four books and published none.

My first book was written while I was working in a prison, locked in a guard tower with nothing but a rifle, pen, and log book. I began using extra paper to write a story, since the shift was 6p-7a there was nothing to do. No phones allowed in, nothing from the outside except my lunch.

I began writing a story and eventually brought it home to type out what I hand wrote, that book ended at about 120,000 words.

The one I am writing now was actually just a bedtime story for my son, any no other book would put him to sleep. So, my story would manage it in about five minutes. My wife begged me to keep writing so we would have an easy bedtime routine and now… it’s been a couple years. I have a lot of content about this fantasy world that I am re writing in a new style. I would like to post it here to help dial in the narration since I’ve not read a book quite like the way I’m trying to tackle it.

Anyway, nice to meet you. I’m skeletor.