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Hello! I am prehistorickid, though I also go by Pretentious Crow in some circles. I am a writer and artist with a special interest in speculative evolution and worldbuilding (which, to be fair, is dime a dozen here). My main haunts are discord servers and the Speculative Evolution forum, where I have several different projects in varying states of abandonment (motivation is a fickle thing for me).

My main project is The Sapient Condition, a setting that I have just realized I've never really categorized before outside of community-specific terms. In any case, I figure this is not quite the place to talk about it at length. I'll just say that its a project that has gone through countless different versions over the years, from seed world to urban fantasy, and dozens of elements from other projects have come together to form a great chimeara of my interests and ideas. Hopefully, it's more coherent than I make it sound.

In any case, glad I found this place!