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Kia Ora from Aotearoa New Zealand

Hello all,

My name is Daisy and I'm a writer of fiction, primarily fantasy and horror. This is a fact that nobody knows but you as I've never shown my work to anyone, or even mentioned it. My goal is to become a good writer and I know that can't happen if it only gets read by me. To this end I've signed up here and hope to get some inspiration and break out of my shell a little.

I look forward to reading your work and one day sharing mine :)


Myth Weaver
Hail and well-met FoxInTheMysticGreen [aka Daisy]
Good to have you here.
[and I love the avatar! :giggle: ]

Emrick Norr

Welcome Fox.

Here is a way to get out of your shell gradually, when you feel ready:

1) You can post a story in the section Fantasy Writings --> Story Showcase, and if you don't ask for a critique, you won't get one. It's just for the pleasure of reading.

2) in The section Story Showcase, there is a thread called Post here for Positive-Only Critique! So that would be like the second step.

3) Finally, you can post in the section Critique Requests.

Have fun in here.