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My new only mist based magic system


I got feedback that I should post my magic system here on this forum so that is what I’m going to do. I decided to remove the metal part completely, but the only thing that changed is the second part, only a special metal called Ersing could be imbued with mist, but I’ve decided to change it to that everything can imbued with mist even people. Of course I kept Ersing in there, but it is not as important as it once was. Hope you enjoy reading this! (Oh and if you see that last two posts are from me well. The first one was a mistake and the second one is an earlier version of my magic system, check it out if you want.)

I thought of a magic system where the Crystalers, the first kind of people born with magic, harvest power from these crystals. Basically they harvest this power from a crystal and it appears on their hand as a blue thick mist that they can touch, depending on the color of the crystal.

1. The thing they can do is, they can shape the mist into any shape that they want. For example they can shape the mist into a rectangular wall or shape it into claws on their hands. The mist can be shaped and used until the Crystaler loses focus of the mist and once they do the mist disappears. Shaping the mist into more complex shapes takes more time and training. The amount of mist they can use is directly proportional to how big of a crystal they harvested the mist from and if they harvested the entire crystal. The harvesting time of the mist from the crystal depends on the size of the crystal. Big crystals take about 15 seconds to harvest while small ones take 5 seconds. Once the mist is harvested from the crystal, the crystal turns to ash. They train these abilities by training with the mist, meditating and testing their brain.

Side note - (After the Crystaler shapes the mist into the desired shape. The mist will harden and will become a stone-like material. It weighs about the same as any normal stone does. The mist after it hardens can be destroyed like any normal material or it can be reshaped. If a Crystaler wants to reshape it then the stone-like material will become mist again until another shape is chosen. And if the stone-like material is destroyed then the mist also disappears.)

2. The second thing they can do is, they can send this mist into anything they want. With the mist imbued in the thing it has several effects depending on which mist the Crystaler put inside the thing. These effects can be triggered by anyone. And they are also special kinds of people called Sentinels that can have the mist imbued within them and can use the effects with their body. But their body only withstands only one type of mist unless they train for their body to accept more types of mist which takes an incredible amount of time.

Mist effects -
Green mist - The effect from the green mist allows the thing or Sentinel to be light and springy. With this effect people can swing weapons really fast. The more the mist is imbued into the thing or Sentinel the lighter and springier it is. It can reach the point where the thing or Sentinel just starts floating. Of course the heavier the thing or Sentinel is the more mist will be required to make it light.

Red mist - The effect from the red mists allows to create mini earthquakes. Things imbued with the red mist must be thrown against or touch the ground to create earthquakes. The more red mist imbued into things the bigger the earthquakes will be. Sentinels trigger these effects by touching the ground with the limb that was imbued.

Blue mist - The effect from the blue mist allows things or Sentinels to become magnetic. Things attract metal objects in the surrounding area. The more green mist imbued into the thing or Sentinel the stronger the magnet and the bigger the area that the magnet works on. The Sentinels can control the metal objects, but not completely. They can change the direction of metal objects from left to right, but they can’t change if the metal objects are coming towards them or not. Because the metal objects are always coming towards them.

The effects are not infinite. People or Sentinels that triggered the effects can end the effects any time they want and when they use the effects the mist inside the thing will slowly run out and the effects will stop.

Also untrained Sentinels will have a problem activating the effects and sometimes they won’t activate at all.

Cost and limitations - Crystaler powers aren’t without their weaknesses and limitations.

First - Crystalers need to focus on their mist. Once they lose focus the mist disappears.

Second - The powers of Crystalers are rare and if the Crystaler powers are not trained they are practically useless.

The last one - For the effect to trigger people or Sentinels need to give up a little nibble of their soul. The mist needs something living inside to trigger the effects. This constant giving up of peoples or Sentinels souls could lead to confusion, existential crisis and death

Notes -

  • The Crystaler power is not only used for war and battling (though it’s the most common use) it’s also used for art making beautiful shows with the mist or it’s used for contraptions like elevators.
  • Things can only have one effect at a time, if they are imbued with more than one type of mist they will explode.
  • There is also a special metal called Ersing. That can have two effects at once.
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Hm, hmm... I like linking it to crystals. There's a lot of fun you can do with that.

My first question is how you decided on the effects for each color?


Hm, hmm... I like linking it to crystals. There's a lot of fun you can do with that.

My first question is how you decided on the effects for each color?
I’m sorry that I’m answering quite late I had some things to take care of but here we go:

It comes out of an earlier version of my magic system, where Sentinels had mist imbued Ersing weapons and with these mist imbued Ersing weapons they could learn special fighting techniques. There was basically the technique that concentrated on dexterity, on strength and on confusing the opponent. And I also wanted the Sentinels to unlock some cool powers after learning one of the techniques. So I decided to have the technique concentrated on dexterity to have a special power where Sentinels could make the weapon light and springy, for the strength technique they could create mini earthquakes with their weapons and for the confusing of the opponent I decided for the magnetism. But then I was like why do these techniques unlock these hidden abilities, when the only thing imbued with mist was the weapon? Well, I decided to change it to this new magic system. And I just thought about some colors that I like and then I distributed the effects among the colors and now I have this magic system.

I hope this answers your question. If not, feel free to ask another one.


Myth Weaver
I'd suggest that the crystals shatter and not turn to ash, but, up to you. I'd also make it so that something solidified of mist cannot be shaped, at least not without another crystal.

I am reminded of 3d printers with this.

I do wonder at the supply of crystals. Could be these are a valuable commodity, and those that have them, dont want to share. And those that dont have them...want.