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Name another soundtrack that is better than…

Howard Shore for Lord of the Rings trilogy (honourable mention to the The Hobbit)

There’s just so much depth, so much scope, so much variety. Using Enya, Liv Tyler, traditional Māori vocalists, traditional boys choir vocalists, use of Tolkien’s conlang for the lyrics, Asian, Pan-Asian, European, African, Middle Eastern influences to create a complete picture of Middle Earth…and I could go on and on. I listen to it often.

The only other motion picture soundtracks I highly rate is the one created for 2005 Pride and Prejudice by Dario Marianelli.

To be fair Japan does motion picture soundtracks incredibly well too, Ghost in the Shell 1995, Akira, and all of Joe Hishashi’s work for Studio Ghibli.

Musical scores don’t count. Who thinks there are better soundtracks?


The original Star Wars soundtrack. It enhanced the movie in exactly the right way. I can't think of one better.

I like the LotR music, but they used it too frequently. Just about every minute in the movies has music--they overdid it there. The Hobbit movies are unwatchable.
I will also add the soundtrack from Memoirs of a Geisha.

I’m also going to add the latest adaptation of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
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toujours gai, archie
There are so many. But for starters, how about the soundtrack to Lawrence of Arabia. Or maybe The Exorcist.

The Wizard of Oz surely deserves some credit. The Magnificent Seven.

I assume by no musical scores you mean movies that use popular songs as part of the soundtrack. That lets out quite a few.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
The Godfather's soundtrack. Nino Rota made something truly beautiful. Gladiator's deserves to be remembered as well.
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