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New sojourner

Greetings of the land!

I'm Jenna. I've written a young adult high fantasy with just a few hints of sci-fi (only just setting out on the quest for publication), and have other fantasy novels in progress.

I fangirl over Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series (just finished book 9), love Orson Scott Card's Ender and Bean books, am very fond of Tolkien, and am a hopeless nerd about Harry Potter. Also, I adore Shannon Hale's work. Sometimes, I write songs based on my favorite books.

In my dreams I speak Quenya fluently and play RPGs. In my dreams, I have the time to do stuff like that. Writing is hard, slow work. But somehow, someday...

I'm thoroughly excited about the Mythic Scribes site and community, and very much look forward to getting to know all of you!

Peace be with you on your own quests,
Thanks, Map!

You probably haven't read much because not much exists! At least, I've found very little. I do love Sylvia Louise Engdahl's Enchantress from the Stars, though, which incorporates fantasy into science fiction.

In my case, I set my story on real stars and planets, so mixing a little science with the magic just came naturally. It's just hints, though--there aren't spaceships. And I took quite a bit of, ah, bardic license with the science. ;)



Great to learn you've finished your work and you're ready to begin the journey of finding a publisher. A few directions to choose from, but exciting nevertheless. It can take a while so good to also learn you're working on some other projects.

Glad you joined Mythic Scribes.

Thanks, Terry! All the decisions are nervewracking. :) But I really appreciate what I've read so far on the Mythic Scribes blog, which is what led me to join the forum.