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Question about horses


Yeah, there's some things that every animal in the world knows is bad. Fire would be one, tornado green another, and lightning is most definitely on the list.
Careful with a statement like that. You know what the most difficult thing with a burning cow stable is? (Sorry that I'm always talking about cows in a horse thread)
It's getting the cows outside. They do not panic or anything. Quite the contrary. They stay where they are. Once you get them out of that stable they keep walking back. Right into the flames.
I know what I'm talking about. I've seen it.

The Din

Random question. Would lightning ever leave a crater? I remember reading a book once where it left big holes in the ground and threw people into the air... Can't imagine this happening in real life but was just curious.


Horses are tough to get out, because of panic.
Our horse and his herd, kept going back in because it was feeding time, food in the bins, and no visible flames to them, in a century old barn with hay ignited in the upper level.

Caged Maiden

Article Team
Hmm... I guess I was thinking about the forest fire type of thing. I live where there are loads of fires. True domesticated animals might be different from wild counterparts, especially in an isolated building fire.

Caged Maiden

Article Team
I did previously post that cattle are different, hence why they were the preferred method for crossing the plains.

I have edited my post, mentioning the animals I have SEEN running from one (but not all) of the aforementioned situations, including tornado green (before the tornado), a forest fire, or a lightning storm without rain.
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