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New Member
Greetings and salutations, Assembly-folk of various repute! I have tried many times to write the Evenaar Saga, yet all of my attempts to capture the world I have crafted for almost 15 years have fallen short. Perhaps with a context of community, I can finally begin the project, and see it done.


Myth Weaver
Neophytes! :D
I've been "honing" a story for over 30 years.
I'll get there one day...

Hail and well-met A.L.Williams
This is a great place to learn and share.
Welcome A L Williams, my fantasy world had been around for about 4.5 billion years, so I created a newer one to live in instead. The new gods are more capricious, and sometimes the neighbours have weird habits, but it's generally going OK so far...


Hello A.L. and welcome to you.

If you focus on the specific story of your most important protagonist, instead of the whole world you built, it may, perhaps, lead you out of the maze.

The details of your world may then emerge through the eyes of that protagonist.

In any case, I think you'll find many interesting and helpful resources here, and I hope you will eventually realize your project.