Nah. Manuscript can also mean typed. ^_^It's not a program. No computer is involved. It is longhand, handwritten, manuscript--which all mean about the same thing I think.
Nah. Manuscript can also mean typed. ^_^It's not a program. No computer is involved. It is longhand, handwritten, manuscript--which all mean about the same thing I think.
Tell DONT show?!? gasp, swoon, glance around for fainting couch.My dudes! I have finished!
9 Ways to Lessen Your Word Count
Here are 9 things you might try in order to shorten your word count to the sweet spot you so crave!nkvalek.wordpress.com
The list is complete and I have written an article for each thing. Also, it grew into 9 ways to cut down your word count, but shhhh. In five years from now, perhaps I will make a counter-list, how to increase your word count. XD
Well, the main reasons they dont go over well is usually 1) cost and 2) reader interest. I think cost will become less of a problem as more and more people are turning to digital and audiobook copies. But reader interest/trust is a tricky one. Readers are less likely to buy a tome from an author they dont know and trust to tell a story well. That probably won't go away. :/Tell DONT show?!? gasp, swoon, glance around for fainting couch.
Great article! I agree with you and hope the common advice that anything shorter than 120k words won't get published is going away. I love the tomes, but I think the number of "epics that could have been a novella" is increasing.
I'm on a budget and only get one audiobook a month. Your audiobook needs to sell me as well.Just anecdotally, cause I don't know that I am representative of anything, but I find that given the internet market (Amazon), I often don't know if the book is a tome or not before buying. I almost always, if not always, look at the sample before buying anything. I want to see the quality of the writing. If I see a lot of errors or clumsiness on the first page, or throughout, I'll probably move on as its not really ready for prime time. Sometimes, I'll buy anyway, but its for other reasons.
The best way to get me to buy without a lot of scrutiny is have an audio book.
I'm on a budget and only get one audiobook a month. Your audiobook needs to sell me as well.
Recently reached and completed the chapter that contains my mid-point twist. Word count is an estimate, but should be somewhere north of 44K. But this is a thin and woefully incomplete 'half-draft'.
That is an accomplishment all by itself. Mid point twist...go you.
That is a good direction to go. Welcome to Scribes! We're glad you found your way here.I love the concept of this thread.
Today, I found this forum, and it was the result of making moves to be good to myself. <3