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A Few Other "Ordinaries"

Mayor Reuben Dyer

Mayor Dyer is an efficient and shrewd wolf who has transformed the city of Havenburg through the hiring of Aurah's best town and transport planners. He is sensitive in private life, loves his family and loves his golf. Yet he has a pet peeve; the super community. All to many times he has had his time interrupted with another city-smashing crisis and this can make him loud, irascible and not so pleasant to work with.

Deputy Mayor Waldo Banz

A banded mongoose whose job is to calm down Mayor Dyer's rages, cut down the mountains of paperwork the mayor would otherwise have to handle and secretly feeding information through concealed bugs to the guardians of justice. His catchphrase "Holy Rochester!" activates said bugs to start relaying information.

Chief Marshall Ortwin "Thunder" Clapp

Head of law enforcement in Havenburg. Believes supers are more trouble than they're worth, causing massive collateral damage in the quest for justice. However, like Captain Blackhoof, he admits their hearts are in the the right place.

Artemis Aaronson "AJ" Jones

Prairie dog, editor of the Havenburg Herald newspaper, fiery, demanding and biased against supers. It's thought his son Art became an airline pilot in order to keep as far away from his father as possible most of the time.

Leyland "Lee" Cornwell

A pronghorn antelope who edits the Aurah, a rival newspaper. He is everything AJ is not; encouraging, good at motivating staff and positive about supers.

Heather Bellenoir

An extremely beautiful black horse, born into money, now an underwear model and fitness queen. Sometimes comes into the Acer Fitness Centre to flirt with Buck Sephlers and put Sylvia down.

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