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A Major Famous Anthro

Admiral Lepsidon

120 years ago, the Violan Civil War cost thousands of lives as the SNV (States of North Viola) tried to subdue separatists who wanted to establish a new nation, the IRVS (Independent Republic of Violan States) in the south of the country. The southern states were slowly but surely subdued and for more than 30 years, the country healed its wounds and by and large, the two sides grew to trust each other once more.
Then came Admiral Lepsidon. He was an American badger by species, late in life (at least 70) when he made his move against the SNV and helped use fanatical southern traditionalists to achieve his aims. Yet his life was a cloak of mystery. It was thought he was a politician or petty officer with the IRVS during the Civil War, but it was never discovered which one. Although he had a wife, three sons and eight grandchildren, it was never discovered where or how he died. It really mattered little, for he was a Violan legend, and this mystery was what served to make him even more of a legend.
What Admiral Lepsidon was known for was sundering the SNV as it would have been a generation before him. He did so using technology long ahead of its time. During the Violan-Ibsecan War, when SNV troops were engaged elsewhere, he powered great submarine boats up the major rivers of the Violan continent. No-one noticed these craft until they started sinking Violan ships with torpedoes in the major ports. At the same time, more of these submersibles surfaced near vital cities, disgorging hordes of troops supported by armoured horseless carriages and simple, multi-winged aircraft. It was even said that amphibious submersibles emerged on land in places. The Violan authorities, reeling from these surprise attacks, quickly gave into his demands.
A new IRVS split the Violan continent in two. Yet within ten years of his victory, Admiral Lepsidon died. His son was left in charge, who grossly mismanaged his bequeathed nation and harshened laws banning Umtangan herbivores from certain venues and privileges. For the next 30 years there were backlashes and the state of Unita even seceded. Industries failed, money ran out and unemployment soared. When the government announced that it would support the North Vlaksgard in the Second Great Aurahn War, it was the last straw, prompting violent riots and mass defections in the armed forces. The SNV sent in troops and the misguided secession was ended; the nations united once more.
Even so, no-one will forget Admiral Lepsidon for his courage, audacity, arcane technology and astounding ingenuity.

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