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Samantha England
2 min read
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Book Chapters
The tale now finished and Darrah’s woe now made known to Corvus, silence took its place as the Raven God mused through his thoughts on the matter. Darrah, all this time, had not looked to Corvus and now took a small measure of peace in the silence. Corvus would make his conclusion known when he...
Samantha England
5 min read
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Book Chapters
It had been a mere two days since the Crow Lord had last seen Asha, and the atmosphere of the ruined tower felt lonelier for it. Darrah had not known much peace as he cared for the birds that roost at the height of the tower. The shadows seemed longer and time simply went on without him. He only...
Samantha England
2 min read
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Book Chapters
Asha trudged through the snow, her wool cloak drawn tight around her - so tight that her knuckles were pale. Shivering, she continued walking though was not looking ahead. Her eyes only followed the next few feet of snow, barely glancing at the roots of the oak trees that were almost completely...
The Forest Gods of the Winter Court were silent, the Holly King sitting upon the throne in the Heart of the Forest - silent as the rest of them. The Great Forest was muted, far quieter than it was during the time of the Summer Court. Snow drifted down from the sky, not even a breeze to stray...
They were running low on supplies again. Asha was again in the Great Forest gathering as many herbs as she could possibly carry for her mother. The remedies and potions were being used up almost as soon as they were made. The sick were many and the numbers were only growing as people from...
The snow had been falling for a few hours now, falling slowly and gently. Darrah looked up at the sky, seeing the tones of grey clouds and the spot of brightness marking the sun’s position in the day. The Autumn Equinox was near its end, but the great battle that had ended only those few hours...
Asha worked alongside her mother in the workshop, silent as she cleaned a multitude of vials. Sirona made many glances towards her daughter, and each time her worry only grew. The silence was not a trait of Asha's, but today she was not bubbling about her latest adventure in the Great Forest...
Samantha England
3 min read
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Book Chapters
Asha decided to tell him. It had been only a few days since her last visit to the ruined tower, but she was sure of her feelings. This did not stop her from worrying about Darrah's reaction to those feelings, however, as she again walked through the forest for yet another visit. The morning had...
Asha pulled her long wool coat around herself tighter, the wind colder than it had been for the past week. The Autumn Equinox was soon upon the Great Forest, and afterward the winter season. Despite the growing cold, however, Asha walked along the path towards the ruined tower, eager to visit...
The Crow Lord had left his ruined tower and now walked through the forest with a single crow flying through the trees as his single companion. The bird often landed and perched on the branch of a tree several feet away until Darrah had reached it, then the bird would fly ahead again and repeat...
It was only a few days later, as Darrah checked on the birds, when Asha dashed inside with all suddenness. This spooked the ravens and crows and they cawed their indignation as she ran into him and wrapped her arms around his chest. Startled as well, it took the Crow Lord a few moments before he...
It had come as a great surprise to Darrah when Corvus appeared in the ruined tower. The ravens and crows cawed at the sudden gust of wind. Darrah turned calmly when the wind died down, and his mismatched gaze met the Raven God's own of dark-hued amber. He looked as ageless as all Forest Gods...
Asha was as quiet as she could manage as she opened the backdoor into her home. She crept into the small cottage, and once safely inside, she then closed the door softly. Asha gave a small sigh in relief and relaxed. She would have been in so much trouble if her mother had- “So what possessed...
At the beginning of the autumn season when the days were still warm, Asha was intently focused on the dark leather cords in her hands. Earlier, she had successfully convinced her mother to let her have some to practice braiding with. This was true, but what was more truthful was the desire to...
The next time Asha visited Darrah, she had managed to convince him to join her in finding herbs in the Great Forest. This was the most common chore she did for her mother, as Sirona trusted that her daughter wouldn't bring back the wrong herbs or something poisonous. Those she went out and...
Much to Asha's delight, she was soon back at the ruined tower. Only two days had passed before she was allowed another free day, as her mother needed their home to herself for the day. Sirona needed to make an important herbal remedy that would take the rest of the day to make, and since Asha...
Asha hesitated a few feet before the tower itself, uncertainty holding her back. It had been a few days before she had been allowed a free day from her mother's work, but when it arrived she had immediately set out for the ruined tower. But now that it was in front of her, uncertainties came...
But Asha's questions about the tower in the forest and the strange man were to be delayed for a while yet. Sirona had not been pleased with her daughter having snuck off to get away from helping in the home for a few hours, and less so when Asha returned with the cuts on her arms. Asha had found...
It started with a village girl sneaking away into the Great Forest during the first month of summer. Asha had escaped her mother's watchful gaze, having wanted to spend today the way she wanted to. This usually involved finding an adventure in the vast forest her small village bordered, as she...
Samantha England
3 min read
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Book Chapters
Just inside the entryway of his crumbling tower stood Darrah, the Crow Lord, as the thunderstorm passed overhead. It was too early for torrential rain, which came only in late spring, but regardless of nature’s design, it fell. The storm winds were making all things shiver and even break under...

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Samantha England
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