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Chapter Three PT 3 (Unedited)

Chapter Three pt 2

Two hours later, we pulled off the road near a lake. It was now dark, and a fog had rolled in. I made an adjustment to the nanny cam hidden within the folds of the hiking bag I had slung over my shoulder turning the night vision on. The Recorder needed new batteries soon, but so far they had held out capturing the conversation between Tommy and Amati as we drove.

“We now cross,” Amati said in his broken English.

“Cross what? The lake?” I looked at him and then to Tommy.

Amati laughed, He spoke to Tommy, ignoring me. “He said we take the boat, his uncle lives on the island in the lake.”

“Yeah, No, that doesn't sound like something from a B rated horror movie at all... Let the stranger who you know mutilated at least one body, take you across the lake at night in a rickety rowboat in the fog.”
Tommy smiled, “You only live once!” I couldn’t tell if he was making fun of me at this point or not. “You really should have left me some clean underwear Tom, because I am shitting mine right now.”

“Coming?” Amati asked.

With a heavy sigh, I nodded. “I hope we live to regret this Tom,” I whispered.

We climbed into the rowboat, I doubted that it would hold the weight of three grown men plus our packs, but I slid the oar into the lock anyway. Que sera, sera. The theme song to Jaws and any other old horror movie I had ever seen was my soundtrack as we rowed across the moonless lake to the island. Tommy produced a couple of flashlights as we tied the boat to a gnarly tree.

The path was narrow, nearly overgrown with brush. “Someone lives out here? Tommy, are you sure we are not about to become dead bodies number one and two in some backwaters slasher snuff film?” I asked moments before a light appeared between the trees.

Tommy shrugged. “Bastard,” I whispered as we approached the house hidden in the woods, shrouded in fog, in the middle of the lake, in an area, I knew nothing about in a country that no one would miss me in for quite a number of days. “Yeah, this was most definitely not one of my better ideas,” I whispered to the hidden camera as Amati knocked on the door of the shack. Amati spoke some someone inside, then returned to us. “Stay here,” He said, to me, it seemed to be a warning, before walking away.
leaving us alone in the darkness.
I took the opportunity to change the batteries in the voice recorders. If we were going to die, someone would know exactly what took place. Ilsa would eventually come looking for us. I cracked my neck. Trying to release the tension I felt.

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The Blue Lotus
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