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Getting Started with Portfolios

Portfolios are for sharing your best work with our community. You can use them to post short stories, book chapters, original articles, and even journal entries. You may also link to portfolio entries in the forums.

Before getting started, there are a few points worth noting:

1. Portfolios are viewable by guests.

Anyone who visits Mythic Scribes can see portfolio entries, including search engines.

2. Our Forum Rules still apply.

The forum rules apply to all portfolio entries. Also, please refrain from posting fan fiction.

3. Only members with 5 or more posts can create or comment on portfolios.

Once you have made five posts, it may take up to an hour before you can create a portfolio. This is due to the automated promotion system, which runs once per hour.

4. Be selective in what you share.

Items submitted to portfolios should be in a polished or near finished state. Drafts which are in serious need of work shouldn't be posted here.

5. You can have multiple portfolios.

You can create multiple portfolios for different purposes.

6. Portfolios require cover images.

When creating a new portfolio it is necessary to upload a cover image. Choose something distinctive, that matches the tone of the portfolio.

Also, be aware that portfolios are intended for sharing your work with our community or with the world. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you refrain from posting anything which is intended for later publication.

If you have any questions, let us know. It is our hope that these portfolios will be of great service to our burgeoning writing community.

Portfolio entry information

Black Dragon
Read time
1 min read
Last update

More entries in Site Specific
