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The Dragon Chronicles

Important Places in Darchikmar

Famridel - A peaceful empire, ruled over by King Himo Galanodel and his wife Antinua. It’s a fairly big, wealthy city that has lots to offer travelers in the way of wares. The buildings are pretty big and made of stone. The streets are paved out of rock. The guards have a symbol of a bright star setting, like the sun, behind a body of water, like a river, on their clothing and shields. This is Famridels symbol. The guards look to be dressed quite elegantly. It has about 5 Taverns/Inns, 8 magic shops, 1 arena, 1 castle, hundreds of homes and plenty merchants selling food, jewelry, clothing, magical items, weapons/armor/shields and just about anything you can think of in the arena before any competitions begin. There is also a slave auction being held every day at about 8 in the morning.

Tyrluk - Village next to Famridel separated by the river, Shining Moon, and the forest, Espar. Small little village outside Famridel. They are mostly miners and farmers. They live in log homes that are pretty well kept up. They also fish and scavenge what they can. Chad’s hammer is here.

Skull Crag Mountain - Separates Tyrluk from Elversult. Not a very big mountain range, but it is quite inhabited, by dwarves, goblins and ogres. If they go under the mountain to stay away from the ogres and goblins.

Elversult - On the other side of Skull Crag Mountain. This is an elven city, ruled over by Queen Alexandria. The city is set up in the trees all big and beautiful. There is a lot of berries and wild animals here. The guard are all dressed like all the rest of the townsfolk, except they have a symbol of a white tiger on their clothing and shields. There is a secret tunnel (The Marovine Tunnels) entrance outside the city leading to outside the city of Kulta, that only the Queen knows the whereabouts of. She’s even went as far as to put an invisible spell upon it. The entrance is in a small bear cave, but you can’t see the door. It’s very well trapped too, so it’s best to let her open it willingly than to get anyone hurt. The forest is named Elversult as well. Ben’s weapon is here.

Espar - The forest between Tyrluk and Famridel. It contains the ruins of an old kingdom castle. It is on the brink of finally falling to pieces. (A crow lands on one of it’s remaining walls and it crumbles.) The road you are walking on was once a stone walkway, now the wind from all those ages has worn away most of it.

The Forgotten Tunnels - The tunnels close to Chad’s home that have been long forgotten by most of the world. Only monsters roam its halls now and treasure lingers in its rooms.

The Marovine Tunnels - A long series of tunnels from Elversult to Kulta. There is rumored to be a red dragon locked inside these tunnels protecting hidden treasures from the old kingdom. These tunnels used to be home to the dwarves, but the somehow elves convinced them that Skull Crag Mountain was better suited for them and that this dragon would fit better down here.

Marshes of Ester - Nasty marshes that are crawling with the grossest of things. Very dangerous.

Lake Dragonmere - Under Famridel and Tyrluk. Separates into 3 rivers, Shining Moon, Starwater and Wyvernwater. This lake is quite big, it spans over about 5-10 miles and it is home to some really big monsters. It’s waters close to the edge are very blue and beautiful and there is sand all around. It looks like a beautiful beach. There is a sparse amount of trees around here for cover and whatnot. It’s very calming to sit on the beach here, depending on which side of the lake you’re on. The south end closest to Kulta has a higher population of monsters and they don’t like things close to their lake.

Shining Moon - River between Famridel and Tyrluk. Very deep beautiful blue waters with a big, beautiful waterfall. It’s waters are a darker shade of blue, but still very beautiful.

Starwater - River between Skull Crag Mountain and Elversult. A little shallower than Shining moon, with a smaller waterfall. You can see the bottom of the river bed anywhere you look.

Wyvernwater - River running from the southern end of Lake Dragonmere towards the south, ends in Kulta with a massive waterfall and VERY deep waters. These waters are black they’re so deep.

Kulta - Major city to the south of Lake Dragonmere. River Wyvernwater runs straight through it, with a massive waterfall and very deep water. Run by the evil sorcerer Mortimer in his castle Thornguard. His evil minions pretty much run rampant. It’d be quite a beautiful town if it weren’t for all those damned monsters running about… Kulta is mostly inhabited by undead and summoned creatures ranging in size from tiny to Huge. The water is filled with very poisonous snakes, piranha and the like. The buildings look like no one‘s lived here in a long while, but they are still in pretty good shape. Kulta sits on the edge of a forest, and then spreads to plains.

Dragons Reach - The sea that surrounds this continent, Anauroch. There are also small spatterings of islands around the continent. The sea seems like it goes on forever. The waters are quite cool and it’s very calming to sit on the shore.

Rael Home - Small little log cabin next to the Shining Moon River, a ways back from the waterfall. Very beautiful and calming place to be, especially next to the waterfall. There are big rocks to jump from beside the waterfall, straight down into deep, cold water.

Important People

Calypso Rael – Half elf Princess of Famridel. Left the comforts of the castle to live with her wife Lynx Rael. They have an open relationship with other people, only so they can bring more excitement into their lives. They live next to the river, Shining Moon, in the forest Espar, just close enough to Famridel that they can still get their goods and communicate with people. She has a really strong friendship with Vola and that is one of the only reasons that they stayed so close to town.

Lynx Rael - Calypso’s wife. She’s bi and a very attractive elf.

Vola of Famridel - King Himo’s favorite soldier. She is a half orc. King Himo made her leave immediately about 2 years ago without prior knowledge, so she didn‘t have enough time to tell her friend, Calypso, where she was going and for how long. She’s been in the service of King Himo since Calypso was born. She started out as Calypso’s personal guard, but since Calypso left home and got married, King Himo reassigned her to Kulta to study up on Mortimer. The king thought that maybe he was a threat and decided to send one of his own into his kingdom to see just exactly what he was up to.

King Himo - King of Famridel and father of Calypso. He and his wife live in castle Roseblade. He’s a very good king, and has been king for 24 years. A very humble, quiet man. Believes in second chances and ruling justly. He is half elf and loves his wife like no other.

Queen Antinua - King Himo’s wife and mother of Calypso. She has about the same temperament of her husband, but she’s a lot more outspoken than he is. She’s very beautiful and very elven. She loves her husband more than anything in the world.

Mortimer - Evil Human sorcerer of castle Thornguard. He’s lived for what seems like forever. He’s been here since before the king was born it seems. Hell bent on not dying and has sacrificed many innocent people so he can live to rule the weak race of people known as humans in the VERY far future. He can see far into the future and has seen the end of all but humans. He aims on going for that weakness and becoming a god to them. He knows that Vola is one of the kings men, and has given her the fullest of ranks, just so that he can draw her in and then slowly corrupt her. Mortimer has seen the weakening of the human race, and found one thing very interesting in his future sight, Vola, one of the kings soldiers is not only a good soldier, but has a very strong soul. He can see himself trying to gain entrance into her body and use her soul against her people. Vola has no idea that Mortimer can see into the future or that she has a very strong soul, suitable for an evil, power hungry sorcerer.

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Silver Willow
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