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The Normal Guys; Friends of Kay

Philip "Pep" Tasker

Pep is a keen and slightly flamboyant young otter who works at Acer Fitness Club alongside Kay/Sylvia. He loves his work and puts a lot into it, hence his name. He is a keen swimmer (even for an otter), but his real passion is superheroes. He is always up on the news about supers and his dream is to join that world someday. Sylvia has always watched him as he is a potential future ally and confident.

Chelsea Springer

Chelsea, a puma, is the manager of a hairdressing salon and a close friend of Sylvia. She is optimistic, bubbly and an outrageous flirt, but usually finds herself falling for the wrong kind of man. Chelsea loves to hear and spread gossip, and has even come close to naming Sylvia as Kay Pow, but has never proved it.

|Captain Brett Blackhoof

A tall and burly bison who commands the 26th police precinct in Havenburg's notorious Lower East End. It is an unenviable job, not only due to the high crime rates in this area but because some of his officers are indulging in crime. He knows Kay and respects her for the work she does, but will not say so openly due to his superiors distrust of supers.

Sgt. Roger Labelle

A maned wolf who is Kay's chief source of information on the criminal world. He is tough and smart, but also young and idealistic; perhaps that is why Kay likes him so much.

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