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Ume's Lament

Years ago, in at another site, a moderator's son came up with this idea for a monthly challenge. The only caveat for the challenge was that everyone's story had to be titled 'Ume's Lament'. Most of us had no idea that Ume's Lament was a gaming reference.

There were several interesting entries, none of them about a wand in a video game. Anyway, I googled Ume and found out that it was a type of Japanese fruit (plum or apricot depending on which site you visit) that can be pickled in liquor.

I knew immediately I had to write this story.

Ipsalee basked in the golden, early morning sunshine as she, and all of the Umeboshi, did every day. Soon she and the others would ripen into full maturity. Ipsalee sincerely hoped she would be one of the few chosen to fulfill the True Purpose, when that day arrived. Of course, all of the others hoped for the same thing; it was what they all dreamed of from their first moment of being. Only the firmest, most perfect physical specimens were chosen for the True Purpose. Ipsalee knew, deep down in her core, that she was destined to be one of them. All she had to do for now was let the sun tone her skin, and to stem the tide of hunger when the need arose.

The days passed slowly and lazily for all of them, and Ipsalee was content to just wait for the time when they would come of age. She did not interact much with the other Umeboshi, and some thought that was a bit arrogant of her, but that was not the reason. She knew she had a very prominent position in the family tree, but she also knew it was a lucky accident and not something she had earned. If that meant she was maturing more quickly than the others, that wasn’t her fault, and they shouldn’t blame her for it. She had no more choice in the matter than they did. As near as she could tell they were all filling out quite nicely. When the Time of Choosing came, there should be a bumper crop of fine, individual Umeboshi to choose from. Unfortunately, not all of them would make the cut, and there were a few who were plotting and planning ways to improve their odds of being selected. Two such were Eldalii and Radahan.

‘Something needs to be done about that conceited Ipsalee,’ Eldalii sent in private mode. ‘She has such a high opinion of herself, when we all know she was just lucky enough to have a prime position.’

‘I have been working on a plan for that,’
Radahan returned. ‘Soon we will see if my scheme bears any fruit.’

‘Oh?’ Eldalii responded. ‘What have you got planned?’

came the smug reply, ‘let’s just say that I have friends in low places. I think Ipsalee will find herself with a blemish on her smooth features before the Time of Choosing arrives.’

Skoosh was a worm in every sense of the word. The short discussion with the jealous Umeboshi had yielded valuable information. In any clan where position is important, there were those who had position and those who begrudged it. Skoosh had learned that very early in his young life, and had taken advantage of it many times. He had many friends, and had already let them know where to find the backstabbing little Umeboshi and his friends. They would pay the price for their petty enviousness. The slimy little creature smiled inwardly as he made his slow way to what was surely the cream of this rich crop.

The Time of Choosing finally arrived and Ipsalee was anxious to learn her fate. The Umeboshi could not communicate with Those Who Chose because the humans had long ago lost their connection with nature. However, during their long relationship the Umeboshi had learned to understand the strange vocal speech of the Benefactors, and had kept that knowledge in their collective memory. During the Umebushi maturation process, Those Who Chose protected them from predators large and small. Large predators were simply frightened away. The small, parasitic predators were kept away by away a magic potion the Umeboshi were periodically coated with. Now all that work was coming to fruition.

Ipsalee could sense the smug satisfaction of those who had already been chosen for the True Purpose. Far overpowering those feelings was the open weeping of those chosen for other purposes. She felt nothing when she was picked, but Ipsalee felt the anxiety all the way to her very pit as she waited for the judgment to come.

"Oh my, what a beautiful Ume," she heard, causing her hopes to soar. "This is possibly the most perfect Umeboshi I have ever seen. But wait, what’s this?" Ipsalee's hopes suddenly fell, and her inner anxiety returned. "Shin san, is this what I think it is?"

"Let me see, Abo san," she heard as she was passed from one hand to another. "Yes, Abo san, I am afraid it is."

‘No,’ Ipsalee prayed. ‘Please no.’

"It's a shame, Shin san. Our fermentologist is the best in all of Japan. He knows the exact amounts of salt and liquor to add. That one would have made a most savory pickled plum."

‘No!’Utter despair once again assailed the pit of Ipsalee’s being.

"Yes, Abo san, it would have, but I am afraid this one has been taken by the worm. Luckily, the pesticides kill the worms before they can cause too much damage. Still, the skin has been damaged, so I am afraid this one’s destination is not the fermentation vat."

‘Noooooo!’ Fear gripped Ipsalee tightly now, and would not let go.

"So . . . the animal fodder bin is this one’s lot in life?"

"Regrettably yes, Abo san. I am afraid it must be so."

‘Nooooooooooooooooo!’ Ipsalee wailed silently.

Of course, Abo san and Shin san did not hear her.

Portfolio entry information

Klee Shay
Read time
4 min read
Last update

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