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Black Dragon
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  • I by accident put my story into the rules about setting up a story to be critiqued, Not sure as to how I can rectify this problem.
    Dear Black Dragon,
    I have spent hours trying to find the place where things like Acolyte, Dreamer etc are explained. I have failed. *hangs head in shame*
    In my defence, I am very new, slightly deranged, and certainly ancient and crumbling. Thats my excuse.
    Can you either point me in the right direction, or explain please?
    Thank you. :)
    Hi I've managed to post the whole story as you can see into my Portfolio though I only meant one post, but haven't had any reactions yet. Also I can't find my way round the site as it's too confusing so can you help ? Thanks....
    I have noticed that some members have signatures that link to their books on Amazon. Is this allowed and if it is why am I unable to do so?
    Thank you for the message master Dragon, and sorry for the late response. I'm on holiday at the moment so Scribing will be restricted to library internet.
    Another question:
    As you will have seen I have a link on my facebook site to the first chapter of Muddle Puddle showcased on Issuu, can I post that same link here. http//issuu.com/stu.e/docs/_muddle-puddle_ch1_with_cover. Alternately I have discovered an old back up memory stick and have put the text from that into my desktop, how do I download that into my portfolio?
    "Who is this ignorant fool," I hear you ask.
    When I was at uni. in 1970 computers used paper tape and were as large as houses. Once I'd been forced to write a program to calculate all the prime numbers from 1 to infinity, I completely lost interest until my son brought me this machine last Xmas, that's my excuse anyway.
    I'm trying my best to get the hang of this but I still seem to be finding more problems than answers. I've made my 5 posts and still cannot show my illustrations in the gallery, not enough bytes allowed. As you said illuminated prose just not fit into anyone's submission guidelines and as I have said I'm not very good at submissive.
    "Muddle Puddle and the Whistling Shell" will be available from Apple's bookstore very shortly and some feedback and links would obviously be very useful.
    Sorted it, thank you.
    You sure seem to do one heck of a job behind the scenes here. This forum is quite something and its done a lot for me. Thanks.

    Hi! Just wanted to drop and say hello and thank you for the welcoming message! I have spent most of the day exploring the site and posting and I am enjoying myself. I have already gotten some ideas for my story just by writing and reading what's on here!
    Thanks again!
    I'M not sure if I properly sent you my reply, regarding your interest in my Smoke Dragon #5 sculpture. I'm still trying to acclimate to interacting via the net. If you could just send me a quick reply so I cant tell if I'm replying properly. In this case, ignorance is not bliss.
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