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i live in korea, but i set my address as my parents' house in the states. i'd understand the problem if it had occurred the first time i tried to buy a book. but i bought a couple of books with no problem before i started getting the 'you're in another country' message.

i'll sort it out this afternoon and change my address to where i live in korea.


okay. i just finished reading "the giant of the tidesmouth". i thought the writing was fantastic. the descriptions were clear and not overdone. the dialogue was funny at times without being corny. and i really enjoyed the fight scenes.

i've got a couple of criticisms, though... and i'm afraid this time they're kind of big ones.

if someone were to ask me what the main goal of the protagonist in this story was, i'd have to say that he and the band of mercenaries he was traveling with were looking to get hired by this duke. i don't really feel like those are high enough stakes for a story of this size.

also... i never really felt like anyone was in any serious danger, and problems were often overcome way too easily. "crag's head" was a perfect example of this. they show up with like two hundred guys to a keep containing about fifty guards.
"hey, can you let us in?"
and they kill everyone.

and there's one more thing. i felt like the easy-traveling/dangerous-action ratio was off. even on the "wild road", supposedly haunted with ghosts, monsters, and barbaric people, they never came across any of that. they found a count, decided he was cool, and went on their way.

i'm going to have to think a bit on how i'm going to write my review. i focused a lot on the negative in this post, but seriously, the quality of the writing made up for a lot of what i criticized. through the whole thing, i wasn't bored once.


Myth Weaver

I finished Critical Failures.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. However, I cannot give it a five star review. I feel pretty comfortable with four though.

My positives: Great writing. Story flows well and kept me immersed and entertained. It was laugh out loud funny, as in my wife had to tell me to quiet down for fear of waking the little one.

My negatives: I'm not sure it would be as enjoyable is you haven't played some kind of role playing game. My biggest problems, however, were twofold: 1) it was plot driven, and I prefer character driven. I'd have like to have seen some kind of character growth. 2) usually after reading a book that I enjoyed, I'd want to read more about them. I didn't with this book because I didn't like any of the characters. They worked well for your book, but, if they would have all been killed, I wouldn't have cared all that much.

In my review, I plan to emphasize those positives much more strongly than the negatives. I'm harping on them a bit here just to make sure you understand. However, they are more personal preferences than anything you did wrong.

I had an experience recently where I posted an honest review for a friend, and he really didn't like it. Given what I said above, do you still want me to do the review? Again, I really did enjoy the book, but I feel it's important to mention the negatives as well as the positives.




It's true, the story is not a grand epic and the stakes are not meant to be at the forefront. Rather, I just wanted the characters to be sympathetic and the story to be entertaining.

through the whole thing, i wasn't bored once.

Mission Accomplished. ;)

Review how and to what extent you feel is proper. I believe wholeheartedly in honesty in reviews, so I'll make no suggestions.

Also, would you believe that Smashwords doesn't let me buy books from them out of my earned revenue from book sales? Guess I'll actually have to whip out the credit card...


It's true, the story is not a grand epic and the stakes are not meant to be at the forefront. Rather, I just wanted the characters to be sympathetic and the story to be entertaining.

you succeeded in all of that.

Review how and to what extent you feel is proper. I believe wholeheartedly in honesty in reviews, so I'll make no suggestions.

you'd be too late. the review went live last night.

Also, would you believe that Smashwords doesn't let me buy books from them out of my earned revenue from book sales? Guess I'll actually have to whip out the credit card...

i wondered about that with smashwords. i guess i have my answer now. anyway... don't fret. it all evens out. i'll be buying at least the other two 'wandering tale' books when i catch up on some of the other reading i've got going right now.


four stars is nothing to turn my nose up at. it's four out of five. that's one away from fantabulous. also, i think it probably gives my other reviews some credibility. (maybe that guy's not writing all of his own reviews after all...)


Indeed, four and five star reviews are great. I generally take three-star reviews as a net positive as well, though it often depends on the language within the review itself.

In related news, I went ahead and let Smashwords have my credit card number and bought Critical Failures. I've booted it to the next place on my "to-read" list. Interested in seeing what develops for those poor bastards. ;)


Felis amatus
I am halfway through Critical Failures. Sorry I am a bit slower than others. I read fast, but my window for reading has been limited lately. If anyone else wants to read Lorelei and the Lost and Found monster, be my guest. It is short :)


I've never considered myself a slow reader (I'm usually the quick one in a circle), but compared to you guys I'm practically glacial. I will have reviews up at some point. I won't forget, I promise you that.


Myth Weaver
I've never considered myself a slow reader (I'm usually the quick one in a circle), but compared to you guys I'm practically glacial. I will have reviews up at some point. I won't forget, I promise you that.

When I start reading a book, it's all I want to do (assuming the book holds my interest). I tend to read straight until I'm finished.

That's also why I have to space out my reading. Otherwise, my wife gets ticked that I'm spending too much time on it. I've read a book each of the past two weekends. I'll skip this one and try to read Flank Hawk the following one.


Finished Critical Failures over lunch today. Very much enjoyed it, and I recommend it to others as well. Hopefully I'll find the time to take short break later today and put up reviews on Amazon and Smashwords.

Review is written and posted to both sites. Best of luck with sales and further writing, Robert!
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I'm no where near ready for this type of thing however, at a later date it would be nice to get a few people willing to read my work and give me their thoughts so I know what I still need to clean up before I submit for publication.
I'd be willing to read others works and give my two cents of thoughts in return.

Anyone want to be a test reader? I guess that would be a beat reader eh... Well you know what I mean.
Let me know, I won't lie I'm no where near as good as most of you, but I try. :D And I can always fix something if it is not right.


Just downloaded Critical Failures. Will try to get to it in the next week or two.

Steerpike, my daughter is splitting time between Lorelei and the Lost and Found Monster and Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. She appears to like them both equally well. As soon as she finishes, will post a review.


Felis amatus
Thanks, Terry. I'm glad to be in good company. I appreciate your daughter's time and yours.


thanks a lot, telcontar. that's actually my first smashwords review. feels good to see some stars under there. i'm glad you liked it.

and the rest of you, thanks for reading. i hope you enjoy it.

my kids have been on vacation for the past couple of weeks, and i haven't had any time to read. it's back to school next week, though. so i'll be back to reading then.