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Good afternoon, I'm just worldbuilder

Demer Nkardaz

New Member
Hi all, found this forum with googling about fantasy Japan worldbuilding and interested in posting of some of the mine content.
En is not my native language and I do all on ru, but with posting I will try to translate meanings for understanding of themes (about images with texts).

Currently, I in development process of my fantasy world - worldbuilding and background of the world (history, personalities etc.), however I'm bad with writing in literary style. Main developing theme at this time - local Japan and its history. Next I plan to work on local China, Korea, Vietnam, Tanguts' & Khitans' Kingdoms, Mongolia etc. + other regions of the planet aka Carthage, Egypt, Akkad etc. Yes, this ambitious and difficult plans.
Planet of action is alter-Earth only in half - it's bigger, have new territories outside and inside the Earth's alternative continents, local solar system is binary system and have some other differences.

Future plans - making a cool stuff based on my world like stories, comics, and most ambitious wishes - CGI animation series and games.