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Hilarious Shill Post and My Response


Myth Weaver
Checking out some WordPress sites today and came across this gem:

Why I Stand By Self-Publishing Companies « Why I Stand By Self-Publishing Companies

I don't think I've ever seen a more obvious/poorly done shill. I somehow doubt my comment will be approved:


I’m pretty much at the opposite end of the self publishing spectrum as a DIYer. My point in commenting, however, is to note that you may want to reconsider this post. I’m trying not to be in any way offensive, but, truthfully, it’s coming across as someone who is shilling for BookWhirl.com.

Perhaps not mentioning the word “BookWhirl” eight times would help. Also, linking to every possible means of contact is, perhaps, over the top.

My advice would to also focus a little on your book. I haven’t seen an aspiring self published author yet who doesn’t even mention the title of their book in their blog.

Basically, it seems like you’re probably an employee for this company. If so, this would probably be a better advertisement if it weren’t so blatant, so you should revise. In the, to my way of thinking, unlikely event that you’re not, you probably should revise to make it seem less like you are.

Hope this helps!

Brian W. Foster | a blog about fiction writing featuring tips, reviews, and critiques | [email protected]


Woah. Yeah, every single link in the article goes to the same website. Not even a single link to Wikipedia's page on self-publishing. And no mention that other self-publication options are available. That doesn't strike me as a geniune blog post.


Myth Weaver
Woah. Yeah, every single link in the article goes to the same website. Not even a single link to Wikipedia's page on self-publishing. And no mention that other self-publication options are available. That doesn't strike me as a geniune blog post.

I'm positive that it's not.

Again, who would create a blog and have this as their first post? Isn't most aspiring authors first words something along the lines of "I'm XXXX and I'm writing a book about..."