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I didn't mean to fall off the face of the earth!


Hey, everybody! I'm not a new member, but I've been gone for almost a year and just got back, so I felt I needed to reintroduce myself.
Just like the title says, I didn't mean to take a hiatus off the face of the earth. I started college, and was inundated by classes and homework. My course load has let up a little, so I'm free to return!
I've been lurking a little, reading threads and looking over my old stuff. Nothing humbles you like the realization you were so immature just a year into the past. XD
I feel like I've really grown in my writing, and I look forward to engaging in discussions again!


Hero Breaker
Welcome back, Tom. Hope to see some of your writing in the near future, particularly in the Challenges forums. That, and the RPG subforums, seem to be the best places to showcase and hone your writing skills.


Thanks; I'm glad to be back. (Dear gods, was that a semicolon? College composition is getting to me.)
I have a lot of new questions and subjects, most of them related to the novel, novella, and multiple short stories I'm working on. I'm also going to attempt NaNoWriMo for the first time, so come November I'll probably post quite a few SOS threads.